void BaseMesh::SaveASCII(const String &Filename) const
ofstream file(Filename.CString());
int i, vc = VertexCount(), ic = IndexCount();
const MeshVertex *V = Vertices();
const DWORD *I = Indices();
file << vc << ' ' << ic/3 << endl;
int r,g,b,a;
r = V[i].Color.r;
g = V[i].Color.g;
b = V[i].Color.b;
a = V[i].Color.a;
file << V[i].Pos.TabSeparatedString() << " " << V[i].Normal.TabSeparatedString() << " " << r << ' ' << g << ' ' << b << ' ' << a << " " << V[i].TexCoord.x << ' ' << V[i].TexCoord.y << endl;
file << I[i+0] << ' ' << I[i+1] << ' ' << I[i+2] << endl;
void BaseMesh::LoadASCII(const String &Filename)
ifstream file(Filename.CString());
int vc, ic, fc;
Assert(!file.fail(), "BaseMesh::Load file failed");
file >> vc >> fc;
Assert(!file.fail(), "BaseMesh::Load file failed");
Allocate(vc, fc);
int i, r, g, b, a;
MeshVertex *V = Vertices();
DWORD *I = Indices();
file >> V[i].Pos.x >> V[i].Pos.y >> V[i].Pos.z;
file >> V[i].Normal.x >> V[i].Normal.y >> V[i].Normal.z;
file >> r >> g >> b >> a;
file >> V[i].TexCoord.x >> V[i].TexCoord.y;
V[i].Color.r = r;
V[i].Color.g = g;
V[i].Color.b = b;
V[i].Color.a = a;
file >> I[i] >> I[i+1] >> I[i+2];
void BaseMesh::SavePly(const String &Filename)
ofstream File(Filename.CString());
PersistentAssert(!File.fail(), "Failed to open file");
UINT vc = VertexCount(), ic = IndexCount();
MeshVertex *V = Vertices();
DWORD *I = Indices();
File << "ply" << endl;
File << "format ascii 1.0" << endl;
File << "element vertex " << vc << endl;
File << "property float x" << endl;
File << "property float y" << endl;
File << "property float z" << endl;
File << "element face " << ic / 3 << endl;
File << "property list uchar int vertex_indices" << endl;
File << "end_header" << endl;
for(UINT i = 0; i < vc; i++)
File << V[i].Pos.TabSeparatedString() << endl;
for(UINT i = 0; i < ic; i += 3)
File << "3 " << I[i + 0] << ' ' << I[i + 1] << ' ' << I[i + 2] << endl;
void BaseMesh::SavePBRT(const String &Filename, const Vector<Vec3f> &LocalCoordinateFrame)
ofstream File(Filename.CString());
File << "Shape \"trianglemesh\" ";
File << "\"point P\" [ ";
for(UINT VertexIndex = 0; VertexIndex < VertexCount(); VertexIndex++)
File << Vertices()[VertexIndex].Pos.TabSeparatedString() << endl;
File << "] \"integer indices\" [ ";
for(UINT TriangleIndex = 0; TriangleIndex < FaceCount(); TriangleIndex++)
File << Indices()[TriangleIndex * 3 + 1] << ' ';
File << Indices()[TriangleIndex * 3 + 0] << ' ';
File << Indices()[TriangleIndex * 3 + 2] << endl;
File << "]" << endl;
void BaseMesh::SaveObj(const String &Filename) const
ofstream file(Filename.CString());
UINT vc = VertexCount(), ic = IndexCount();
const MeshVertex *V = Vertices();
const DWORD *I = Indices();
file << "# OBJ file format with ext .obj" << endl;
file << "# vertex count = " << vc << endl;
file << "# face count = " << ic/3 << endl;
for(UINT i = 0; i < vc; i++)
file << "v " << V[i].Pos.TabSeparatedString() << endl;
for(UINT i = 0; i < ic; i+=3)
file << "f " << I[i+0]+1 << ' ' << I[i+1]+1 << ' ' << I[i+2]+1 << endl;
void BaseMesh::LoadObj(const String &Filename, bool IgnoreSlashes)
PersistentAssert(Utility::FileExists(Filename), String("File not found: ") + Filename);
ifstream file(Filename.CString());
float x, y, z;
TriMeshFace I;
char CurLine[256];
Vector<TriMeshFace> NewIndexArray;
Vector<MeshVertex> NewVertexArray;
MeshVertex CurMeshVertex = MeshVertex(Vec3f::Origin, Vec3f::Origin, RGBColor::White, Vec2f::Origin);
if(strlen(CurLine) > 3)
if(CurLine[0] == 'v')
if(CurLine[1] == ' ' || CurLine[1] == '\t')
CurLine[0] = ' ';
sscanf(CurLine, "%e%e%e", &x, &y, &z);
CurMeshVertex.Pos = Vec3f(x, y, z);
if(CurLine[0] == 't')
CurLine[0] = ' ';
sscanf(CurLine, "%e%e", &x, &y);
NewVertexArray.Last().TexCoord.x = x;
NewVertexArray.Last().TexCoord.y = y;
if(CurLine[0] == 'f')
CurLine[0] = ' ';
CurLine[1] = ' ';
sscanf(CurLine,"%d%d%d",&I.I[0], &I.I[1], &I.I[2]);
I.I[0]--; I.I[1]--; I.I[2]--;
String Line = CurLine;
Vector<String> Words;
Line.Partition(' ', Words);
if(Words.Length() == 3)
I.I[0] = Words[0].ConvertToInteger() - 1;
I.I[1] = Words[1].ConvertToInteger() - 1;
I.I[2] = Words[2].ConvertToInteger() - 1;
else if(Words.Length() == 4)
I.I[0] = Words[0].ConvertToInteger() - 1;
I.I[1] = Words[1].ConvertToInteger() - 1;
I.I[2] = Words[2].ConvertToInteger() - 1;
I.I[1] = I.I[2];
I.I[2] = Words[3].ConvertToInteger() - 1;
Allocate(NewVertexArray.Length(), NewIndexArray.Length());
UINT VC = VertexCount();
for(UINT i = 0; i < VC; i++)
Vertices()[i] = NewVertexArray[i];
UINT FC = FaceCount();
for(UINT i = 0; i < FC; i++)
Indices()[i*3+0] = NewIndexArray[i].I[0];
Indices()[i*3+1] = NewIndexArray[i].I[1];
Indices()[i*3+2] = NewIndexArray[i].I[2];
void BaseMesh::LoadGridPly(const String &Filename)
PersistentAssert(Utility::FileExists(Filename), "File not found");
ifstream File(Filename.CString());
Vector<Vec3f> NewVertices;
Grid<UINT> IndexGrid;
bool InsideHeader = true;
UINT RowCount = 0, ColCount = 0, VertexCount = 0;
UINT VerticesRead = 0, CurGridRow = 0, CurGridCol = 0;
char CurLineCString[256];
File.getline(CurLineCString, 256);
String CurLine = CurLineCString;
if(CurLine.Length() > 0)
Vector<String> Partition;
CurLine.Partition(' ', Partition);
if(Partition[0] == "obj_info")
if(Partition[1] == "num_cols")
ColCount = Partition[2].ConvertToUnsignedInteger();
if(Partition[1] == "num_rows")
RowCount = Partition[2].ConvertToUnsignedInteger();
if(Partition[0] == "element")
if(Partition[1] == "vertex")
VertexCount = Partition[2].ConvertToUnsignedInteger();
if(Partition[0] == "end_header")
InsideHeader = false;
PersistentAssert(RowCount != 0 && ColCount != 0 && VertexCount != 0, "Incomplete header");
IndexGrid.Allocate(RowCount, ColCount);
if(VerticesRead < VertexCount)
NewVertices[VerticesRead++] = (Vec3f(Partition[0].ConvertToFloat(), Partition[1].ConvertToFloat(), Partition[2].ConvertToFloat()));
UINT Index = VertexCount;
if(Partition.Length() == 2)
Index = Partition[1].ConvertToUnsignedInteger();
IndexGrid(CurGridRow, CurGridCol++) = Index;
if(CurGridCol == ColCount)
CurGridCol = 0;
float SmallestEdgeLength = 1e10f;
for(UINT Row = 0; Row < IndexGrid.Rows() - 1; Row++)
for(UINT Col = 0; Col < IndexGrid.Cols() - 1; Col++)
UINT I[4];
UINT FaceCanidateCount = 0;
TriMeshFace FaceCanidates[2];
I[0] = IndexGrid(Row + 0, Col + 0);
I[1] = IndexGrid(Row + 1, Col + 0);
I[2] = IndexGrid(Row + 1, Col + 1);
I[3] = IndexGrid(Row + 0, Col + 1);
UINT VerticesInSquare = 0;
for(UINT Index = 0; Index < 4; Index++)
if(I[Index] != VertexCount)
if(VerticesInSquare == 4)
FaceCanidateCount = 2;
FaceCanidates[0] = TriMeshFace(I[0], I[1], I[2]);
FaceCanidates[1] = TriMeshFace(I[0], I[2], I[3]);
for(UINT FaceCanidateIndex = 0; FaceCanidateIndex < FaceCanidateCount; FaceCanidateIndex++)
TriMeshFace &CurCanidate = FaceCanidates[FaceCanidateIndex];
for(UINT EdgeIndex = 0; EdgeIndex < 3; EdgeIndex++)
float CurLength = (NewVertices[UINT(CurCanidate.I[(EdgeIndex + 1) % 3])] - NewVertices[UINT(CurCanidate.I[EdgeIndex])]).Length();
SmallestEdgeLength = Math::Min(SmallestEdgeLength, CurLength);
Vector<TriMeshFace> NewFaces;
for(UINT Row = 0; Row < IndexGrid.Rows() - 1; Row++)
for(UINT Col = 0; Col < IndexGrid.Cols() - 1; Col++)
UINT I[4];
UINT FaceCanidateCount = 0;
TriMeshFace FaceCanidates[2];
I[0] = IndexGrid(Row + 0, Col + 0);
I[1] = IndexGrid(Row + 1, Col + 0);
I[2] = IndexGrid(Row + 1, Col + 1);
I[3] = IndexGrid(Row + 0, Col + 1);
UINT VerticesInSquare = 0;
for(UINT Index = 0; Index < 4; Index++)
if(I[Index] != VertexCount)
if(VerticesInSquare == 4)
FaceCanidateCount = 2;
FaceCanidates[0] = TriMeshFace(I[0], I[1], I[2]);
FaceCanidates[1] = TriMeshFace(I[0], I[2], I[3]);
if(VerticesInSquare == 3)
FaceCanidateCount = 1;
UINT LocalIndex = 0;
for(UINT SquareVertexIndex = 0; SquareVertexIndex < 4; SquareVertexIndex++)
if(I[SquareVertexIndex] != VertexCount)
FaceCanidates[0].I[LocalIndex++] = I[SquareVertexIndex];
for(UINT FaceCanidateIndex = 0; FaceCanidateIndex < FaceCanidateCount; FaceCanidateIndex++)
TriMeshFace &CurCanidate = FaceCanidates[FaceCanidateIndex];
float MinLength, MaxLength;
for(UINT EdgeIndex = 0; EdgeIndex < 3; EdgeIndex++)
float CurLength = (NewVertices[UINT(CurCanidate.I[(EdgeIndex + 1) % 3])] - NewVertices[UINT(CurCanidate.I[EdgeIndex])]).Length();
if(EdgeIndex == 0)
MinLength = CurLength;
MaxLength = CurLength;
MinLength = Math::Min(MinLength, CurLength);
MaxLength = Math::Max(MaxLength, CurLength);
Allocate(NewVertices.Length(), NewFaces.Length());
for(UINT VertexIndex = 0; VertexIndex < VertexCount; VertexIndex++)
Vertices()[VertexIndex] = MeshVertex(NewVertices[VertexIndex]);
for(UINT FaceIndex = 0; FaceIndex < NewFaces.Length(); FaceIndex++)
for(UINT LocalIndex = 0; LocalIndex < 3; LocalIndex++)
Indices()[FaceIndex * 3 + LocalIndex] = NewFaces[FaceIndex].I[LocalIndex];
void BaseMesh::LoadPly(const String &Filename)
PersistentAssert(Utility::FileExists(Filename), "File not found");
ifstream File(Filename.CString());
Vector<TriMeshFace> NewFaceArray;
Vector<Vec3f> NewVertexArray;
bool HeaderDone = false;
char CurLineCString[256];
File.getline(CurLineCString, 256);
String CurLine = CurLineCString;
HeaderDone = true;
if(CurLine.Length() > 3)
Vector<String> Partition;
CurLine.Partition(' ', Partition);
if(Partition.Length() == 3)
Vec3f CurPosition;
for(UINT ElementIndex = 0; ElementIndex < 3; ElementIndex++)
CurPosition[ElementIndex] = Partition[ElementIndex].ConvertToFloat();
else if(Partition.Length() == 4)
TriMeshFace CurFace;
for(UINT FaceVertexIndex = 0; FaceVertexIndex < 3; FaceVertexIndex++)
CurFace.I[FaceVertexIndex] = Partition[FaceVertexIndex + 1].ConvertToInteger();
Allocate(NewVertexArray.Length(), NewFaceArray.Length());
UINT VC = VertexCount();
for(UINT VertexIndex = 0; VertexIndex < VC; VertexIndex++)
Vertices()[VertexIndex] = MeshVertex(NewVertexArray[VertexIndex]);
UINT FC = FaceCount();
for(UINT FaceIndex = 0; FaceIndex < FC; FaceIndex++)
Indices()[FaceIndex * 3 + 0] = NewFaceArray[FaceIndex].I[0];
Indices()[FaceIndex * 3 + 1] = NewFaceArray[FaceIndex].I[1];
Indices()[FaceIndex * 3 + 2] = NewFaceArray[FaceIndex].I[2];
void BaseMesh::SaveBinary(const String &filename) const
FILE *file = Utility::CheckedFOpen(filename.CString(), "wb");
UINT vc=VertexCount(), ic=IndexCount();
const MeshVertex *V = Vertices();
const DWORD *I = Indices();
Utility::CheckedFWrite(&vc, sizeof(UINT), 1, file);
Utility::CheckedFWrite(&ic, sizeof(UINT), 1, file);
Utility::CheckedFWrite(V, sizeof(MeshVertex), vc, file);
Utility::CheckedFWrite(I, sizeof(DWORD), ic, file);
void BaseMesh::LoadBinary(const String &filename)
FILE *file = Utility::CheckedFOpen(filename.CString(), "rb");
UINT vc, ic;
Utility::CheckedFRead(&vc, sizeof(UINT), 1, file);
Utility::CheckedFRead(&ic, sizeof(UINT), 1, file);
Allocate(vc, ic / 3);
MeshVertex *V = Vertices();
DWORD *I = Indices();
Utility::CheckedFRead(V, sizeof(MeshVertex), vc, file);
Utility::CheckedFRead(I, sizeof(DWORD), ic, file);
void BaseMesh::SaveCompressed(const String &filename) const
UINT vc=VertexCount(),ic=IndexCount();
const MeshVertex *V = Vertices();
const DWORD *I = Indices();
OutputDataStream stream;
stream << vc;
stream << ic;
stream.WriteData((BYTE *)V, sizeof(MeshVertex) * vc);
stream.WriteData((BYTE *)I, sizeof(DWORD) * ic);
Compression::CompressStreamToFile(stream.Data(), filename);
void BaseMesh::LoadCompressed(const String &filename)
Vector<BYTE> decompressedStream;
Compression::DecompressStreamFromFile(filename, decompressedStream);
InputDataStream stream;
UINT vc, ic;
stream >> vc;
stream >> ic;
Allocate(vc, ic / 3);
MeshVertex *V = Vertices();
DWORD *I = Indices();
stream.ReadData((BYTE *)V, sizeof(MeshVertex) * vc);
stream.ReadData((BYTE *)I, sizeof(DWORD) * ic);
void BaseMesh::SaveStream(OutputDataStream &stream) const
UINT vertexCount = VertexCount();
UINT indexCount = IndexCount();
const MeshVertex *vertices = Vertices();
const DWORD *indices = Indices();
stream << vertexCount << indexCount;
stream.WriteData((BYTE *)vertices, sizeof(MeshVertex) * vertexCount);
stream.WriteData((BYTE *)indices, sizeof(DWORD) * indexCount);
void BaseMesh::LoadStream(InputDataStream &stream)
UINT vertexCount, indexCount;
stream >> vertexCount >> indexCount;
Allocate(vertexCount, indexCount / 3);
MeshVertex *vertices = Vertices();
DWORD *indices = Indices();
stream.ReadData((BYTE *)vertices, sizeof(MeshVertex) * vertexCount);
stream.ReadData((BYTE *)indices, sizeof(DWORD) * indexCount);