Written by Matthew Fisher

ComplexMesh is a complex (edge-based) mesh structure.  Vertex represents a vertex in a ComplexMesh.

typedef Vector<Triangle*> TriangleList;
typedef Vector<Vertex*> VertexList;

class Vertex
    // Connectivity
    void LoadVertices();
    FullEdge& GetSharedEdge(const Vertex &OtherVertex) const;

    // Query
    double ComputeTriangleArea();
    double GaussianCurvature() const;
    Vec3f MeanCurvatureNormal();
    Vec3f AreaWeightedNormal() const;
    Vec3f EvaluateVField(const Vector<double> &OneForm) const;
    Vec3f ComputeLoopSubdivisionPos();

    // Topology check
    bool LocallyManifold();

    // Accessors
    __forceinline Vec3f& Pos()
        return _Pos;
    __forceinline const Vec3f& Pos() const
        return _Pos;
    __forceinline Vec2f& TexCoords()
        return _TexCoords;
    __forceinline const Vec2f& TexCoords() const
        return _TexCoords;
    __forceinline TriangleList& Triangles()
        return _Triangles;
    __forceinline const TriangleList& Triangles() const
        return _Triangles;
    __forceinline VertexList& Vertices()
        return _Vertices;
    __forceinline const VertexList& Vertices() const
        return _Vertices;
    __forceinline bool Boundary() const
        return _Boundary;
    __forceinline bool& Boundary()
        return _Boundary;
    __forceinline UINT Index() const
        return _Index;

    static Vertex Invalid;

    Vec3f _Pos;                   //Position in R3
    Vec2f _TexCoords;             //texture coordinates
    TriangleList _Triangles;      //Pointer to every triangle in the mesh that is incident on this Vertex.
    VertexList _Vertices;         //Pointer to every vertex in the mesh that in the one ring neighboorhood of this Vertex
    UINT _Index;                  //Index in the mesh's vertex array
    bool _Boundary;               //true if an edge incident on this vertex is a boundary edge

    friend class ComplexMesh;

__forceinline bool operator == (const Vertex &A, const Vertex &B)
    return ((&A) == (&B));

__forceinline bool operator != (const Vertex &A, const Vertex &B)
    return ((&A) != (&B));