CS348b Final
Project: Fractal Primitives
Daniel Wong
The purpose of this project was
to create an interface to explore fractal objects. I started out with the intent
of rendering 3D Julia sets, but later tried to generalize the interface wherever
possible to apply to as many fractals as possible. In ray-tracing fractals, two
problems present themselves: how to intersect a ray with the set, and finding
the normal of the set at a particular point. Click on any of the pictures for
the original .tiff file, especially the above picture, which looks incredible at
The first approach I took was
to simply evaluate points along the ray until I found a point within the set.
With this approach, I was able to determine whether or not I was evaluating
points correctly. Here’s an image of the 2D Mandelbrot set that’s been extruded
a small distance towards the camera.
There are 3 problems that need
to be addressed with this approach:
With step sizes that are too
large, you run the risk of getting steps in the fractal instead of smooth
gradations. To the left is an example of this effect, with the complete fractal
shown for comparison.
Thin structures:
Even with smaller step sizes,
the new risk is that thin structures of the fractal may lie between two sample
points. I was unable to solve this problem, except by decreasing the step sizes
further, which leads to:
Obviously, taking a huge number
of small steps on rays that never intersect the set can be very time consuming.
The traditional method of speeding this up is to use functions that approach
some value as you approach the boundary of the set, such as Distance Estimators
or the Newton-Raphson method. The problem is that
these functions need to be pre-computed for various types of 3D fractals. I had
success in implementing the Distance Estimator for 3D Julia sets, but not for
other types of fractals (see below).
As with Distance Estimators,
normals can be explicitly determined from certain
types of 3D fractals. I had originally written code to handle the explicit case
of 3D quadric Julia sets, but later decided to generalize the code to calculate
normals for generic fractals. After determining the
point of intersection, I shoot two more rays that are perturbed slightly (based
on the distance to the intersection point) to obtain two tangents. I had such
great success with this method that I even used it for the 3D quadric Julia
Other Images
3D quadric Julia set, with a zoomed
in portion on the right (w/ different lighting conditions)
A cubic Julia set. The set is revolved around the
horizontal axis. The set number of iterations was set slightly high, which
causes the “noise” on the surface, since higher iterations cause the
fractals to become rougher.
An animation, where the number of
iterations is varied.
Another 3D quadric Julia set,
The 3D Mandelbrot set. A 2D
Julia Set with the real part of c varying in the z-direction. A 2D Julia set and
a 2D Mandelbrot set, given a small amount of