Declare "P" "vertex point" Declare "Ka" "float" Declare "Kd" "float" Declare "Ks" "float" Declare "index" "float" Declare "Kr" "float" Declare "Kt" "float" Declare "roughness" "float" Declare "texturename" "string" Declare "intensity" "float" Declare "lightcolor" "color" Declare "from" "point" Declare "to" "point" Declare "fov" "float" Display "c.tiff" "file" "rgba" Format 400 400 -1 Projection "perspective" "float fov" 55 ToneMap "glare" "float degreesubtended" [0.0625] "integer lightcondition" [2] "integer premap" [1] #ToneMap "nonlinear" #SurfaceIntegrator "photonmap" "integer nphotons" [25000] # uncommenting out this line should give a similar result to # rendering it with this commented out--only the shadow edges # will be smoother due to photon-based error. "integer indirectphotons" [100000] "integer finalgather" [0] PixelSamples 1 1 Translate 0 0 3 Rotate -15 1 0 0 Rotate 17 0 1 0 #CropWindow 0 .1 0 1 WorldBegin LightSource "spotlight" 1 "point from" [ 4 7 0 ] "float intensity" [50] "color lightcolor" [ 1 1 1 ] "float coneangle" [0.2] LightSource "distantlight" 2 "from" [4 7 0] "to" [0 0 0] "intensity" [0.5] Surface "matte" Polygon "P" [ -1000 -1 -1000 4000 -1 -1000 4000 -1 4000 -1000 -1 4000 ] WorldEnd