Declare "P" "vertex point" Declare "Ka" "float" Declare "Kd" "float" Declare "Ks" "float" Declare "index" "float" Declare "Kr" "float" Declare "Kt" "float" Declare "roughness" "float" Declare "texturename" "string" Declare "intensity" "float" Declare "lightcolor" "color" Declare "from" "point" Declare "to" "point" Declare "fov" "float" ############################################################################ # # This RIB file describes the famous "Cornell Box", which is a test scene # commonly used to demonstrate radiosity. # ############################################################################ Display "cornell1.tif" "file" "rgba" Format 300 300 1 #PixelSamples 2 2 PixelSamples 1 1 Projection "perspective" "fov" [55] Scale -1 1 1 ConcatTransform [1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1] Translate -278 -273 500 Exposure 1 2.2 SurfaceIntegrator "myphotonmap" "float maxdist" [25] # increase search radius; this is a big scene "integer indirectphotons" [500000] "integer nphotons" [0] # don't trace any caustic photons "integer finalgather" [0] # use this to enable/disable final gathering "integer finalgathersamples" [64] # this may also be a useful knob... "integer nused" [80] ToneMap "glare" "float degreesubtended" [0.0875] "integer lightcondition" [2] "integer premap" [1] WorldBegin ############################################################################ # Light Source Definitions ############################################################################ AttributeBegin Surface "constant" #Rotate 10 1 0 0 Translate 278 278 279.5 LightSource "pointlight" 1 "intensity" [9000] "lightcolor" [1 .9 .7] "from" [ 250 250 0 ] AttributeEnd Illuminate 1 1 ############################################################################ # Wall Definitions ############################################################################ AttributeBegin #Sides 1 Surface "matte" "Kd" [0.75] Color [ 1 1 1 ] Polygon "P" [550 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 560 550 0 560] Polygon "P" [560 550 0 560 550 560 0 550 560 0 550 0.0] Polygon "P" [550 0 560 0 0 560 0 550 560 560 550 560] Color [0.15 0.5 0.15] Polygon "P" [0.0 0 560 0 0 0 0.0 550 0 0.0 550 560] Color [0.64 0.15 0.1] Polygon "P" [550 0 0 550 0 560 560 550 560 560 550 0.0] AttributeEnd ############################################################################ # Short Box Definition ############################################################################ AttributeBegin Surface "matte" "Kd" [0.75] Color [ 1 1 1 ] Polygon "P" [130.0 165.0 65.0 82.0 165.0 225.0 240.0 165.0 272.0 290.0 165.0 114.0] Polygon "P" [290.0 0 114.0 290.0 165.0 114.0 240.0 165.0 272.0 240.0 0 272.0] Polygon "P" [130.0 0 65.0 130.0 165.0 65.0 290.0 165.0 114.0 290.0 0 114.0] Polygon "P" [ 82.0 0 225.0 82.0 165.0 225.0 130.0 165.0 65.0 130.0 0 65.0] Polygon "P" [240.0 0 272.0 240.0 165.0 272.0 82.0 165.0 225.0 82.0 0 225.0] AttributeEnd ############################################################################ # Tall Box Definition ############################################################################ AttributeBegin Surface "matte" "Kd" [0.75] Color [ 1 1 1 ] Polygon "P" [423.0 330.0 247.0 265.0 330.0 296.0 314.0 330.0 456.0 472.0 330.0 406.0] Polygon "P" [423.0 0 247.0 423.0 330.0 247.0 472.0 330.0 406.0 472.0 0 406.0] Polygon "P" [472.0 0 406.0 472.0 330.0 406.0 314.0 330.0 456.0 314.0 0 456.0] Polygon "P" [314.0 0 456.0 314.0 330.0 456.0 265.0 330.0 296.0 265.0 0 296.0] Polygon "P" [265.0 0 296.0 265.0 330.0 296.0 423.0 330.0 247.0 423.0 0 247.0] AttributeEnd WorldEnd