Declare "uv" "vertex float[2]" Declare "Kd" "float" Declare "Ka" "float" Declare "Ks" "float" Declare "index" "float" Declare "Kr" "float" Declare "Kt" "float" Declare "roughness" "float" Declare "texturename" "string" Declare "landtex" "string" Declare "lightprobe" "string" Declare "intensity" "float" Declare "lightcolor" "color" Declare "specularcolor" "color" Declare "from" "point" Declare "to" "point" Declare "fov" "float" Projection "perspective" "fov" 20 Display "dune.tiff" "file" "rgb" #Declare "specfile" "string" #Declare "focaldistance" "float" #Declare "fstop" "float" #Declare "filmdiag" "float" #Projection "realistic" "specfile" "../lenses/wide.dat" "focaldistance" 600.0 "fstop" 4.0 "filmdiag" 35.0 Format 548 400 1 PixelSamples 2 2 Format 300 200 1 PixelSamples 1 1 PixelSamples 3 3 # gamma correct the image Exposure 1. 2.3 # these set up an overview from above Identity Translate -100 -50 500 Rotate 65 1 0 0 Scale 100 100 10 SurfaceIntegrator "myphotonmap" "float maxdist" [20] # increase search radius; this is a big scene "integer nindirectphotons" [45000] "integer nphotons" [0] # don't trace any caustic photons "integer finalgather" [1] # use this to enable/disable final gathering "integer finalgathersamples" [4] # this may also be a useful knob... "integer nused" [16] WorldBegin #LightSource "spotlight" 1 "point from" [ 4 7 0 ] "float intensity" [50] #"color lightcolor" [ 1 1 1 ] "float coneangle" [15] LightSource "distantlight" 0 "from" [2 -2 -3] "intensity" 1.7 "lightcolor" [ 1 .8 .2 ] #LightSource "distantlight" 1 "from" [2 2 -3] "intensity" 1.7 # "lightcolor" [ 1 .8 .2 ] #TransformBegin # Translate -0.3 0 0 #AttributeBegin #Sides 1 #Surface "matte" "Kd" [0.75] #Color [ 1 1 1 ] #Polygon "P" [550 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 560 550 0 560] #Polygon "P" [560 550 0 560 550 560 0 550 560 0 550 0.0] #Polygon "P" [550 0 560 0 0 560 0 550 560 560 550 560] #Polygon "P" [ 550 -100 560 0 -100 560 0 550 560 550 550 560] #Color [0.15 0.5 0.15] #Polygon "P" [0.0 0 560 0 0 0 0.0 550 0 0.0 550 560] #Color [0.64 0.15 0.1] #Polygon "P" [550 0 0 550 0 560 560 550 560 560 550 0.0] #AttributeEnd #TransformEnd Surface "plastic" "string texturename" "sky5l.tif" "float Ks" [0.1] TransformBegin Scale .1 .1 1 Translate -15 45 -15 Color 1 0 0 # Cone 3 1 360 Polygon "P" [-10 50 -15 -10 50 55 60 50 55 60 50 -15] "uv" [0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0] TransformEnd Color .45 .25 .145 Surface "matte" TransformBegin AttributeBegin Scale 4 4 0.3 Translate -0.3 0 0 #Displacement "imagemap" "string texturename" ["ripBump.tiff"] "float scale" [.1] Displacement "imagemap" "string texturename" ["ripplemap.tiff"] "float scale" [.5] PatchMesh "bilinear" 128 "nonperiodic" 128 "nonperiodic" AttributeEnd TransformEnd WorldEnd