CS348n Student Presentation Papers

Please select papers to present among those listed for topic/data show,

Reacall that these are shifted to be one lectutre after the main lecture on the same topic.

Each student should present 1-2 papers, 8 mins max (+ 2 min questions).

Presenters in the same session should negotiate with each other to avoid paper overlaps.



April 3
April 5



April 10
April 12


Neural Architectures for Geometric Data: Point Clouds. [Speakers provided by the class staff.]

April 17
April 19

Generative Models: VAEs and Coordinate-Based Networks.



3D Public Data Sets. Flow and Auto-Regressive Models.



April 24
April 26

Parametric Models. Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs).


Introduction to Denoising Diffusion Models.


May 3

Hierarchical Generation of Structure and Geometry.


Vector Graphics, Deep Architectures for Meshes.


May 8
May 10

Pose Equivariance and Invariance in 3D Data.



Conditional Generation: 3D Shape Completion.


May 15
May 17

Neural Rendering. Neural Radiance Fields (NeRFs) I.



Conditional Generation: From Image to 3D Shape.


May 22
May 24

Object/Scene Generation and Language I.



Object/Scene Generation and Language II.


May 29
May 31

Memorial Day (holiday, no classes).


Shape Edits/Deformations.



June 5
June 7

Neural Radiance Fields (NeRFs) II.



