logo Wireless Networks

There are a number of wireless networks on campus. Schools and departments often provide their own wireless networks for their smaller communities to use and ITS provides a campus-wide wireless.

ITS Campus Wide Wireless

The Campus Wide Wireless network requires that your wireless network card be registered in a database called NetDB. Departmental Local Network Administrators (LNAs) can add to new cards to NetDB.

Sponsoring Guest Wireless

Visitors who come to campus with a wireless card may use the Campus Wide Wireless network if they have a Stanford community member to sponsor their access. The Stanford person needs to visit: http://wirelessguest.stanford.edu and go through the quick set of steps to establish a guest account. This includes selecting a user name and a password. In addition, the length of the sponsorship ranges from 1 to 7 days. If the guest's visit is longer, the sponsor will need to re-sponsor them.

ITSS tracks guest accounts to SUNet ID accounts for those occasional times when someone misbehaves and ITSS needs to track back to the sponsor, who is responsible for their guest's behavior.

The Campus Wide Wireless network knows that guests won't have their wireless card registered. So when a guest opens a browser, it presents guests with a different login page. The guest would then use their sponsored guest user name and password to access the Campus Wide Wireless network.

Once a guest has logged in, they'll be able to use Internet services, web browsing, etc. However, guests aren't provided a Stanford IP address. The biggest impact of this is that their email client's configured SMTP server probably won't accept connections from this network. The easiest way around this is to use a WebMail services from their home ISP. All Internet resources are available, including Stanford resources, if they can properly WebAuth for access.

Last update: May 4, 2009 06:29:42 PM
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