Please make sure you have a good GPU when running this demo for the best performance, as well as a large monitor :)

The demo supports what-goes-where queries on our Mixing Smoke ensemble. Please see our paper and supplemental videos for more information on what's happening under the hood.

To get started, open the "Ensemble Controls" dropdown and click "Load!". Loading the WorldPacked ensemble takes about ~30 seconds.

When the ensemble is loaded, you can move the 3D viewer by scrolling to zoom, and clicking/dragging to rotate. Up to 3 queries can be added with the "+" button in the "Queries" dropdown. Start by resizing the query to begin applying it to the ensemble (it starts as a 0-volume point). You can adjust the bounds of the query at any time with the following controls:
  • Hold down the Q key and scroll to increase/decrease the size of the query box's spatial region.
  • Hold down the Q key and move your mouse to reposition the query box.
  • Hold down the S key and use the left/right arrow keys to adjust the start time of the query.
  • Hold down the E key and use the left/right arrow keys to adjust the end time of the query. You'll see temporal changes reflected in the timeline at the bottom of the screen.
Flip a query region from an IN query to a NOT IN in the "Queries" dropdown.

Change the query being edited by clicking it's header in the "Queries" dropdown.

The browser responds interactively to changes in query regions. Open the "Samples" dropdown to view representative images for samples that satisfy the current queries; these will update in real time as the queries are edited. Click on any of the representative images to load that sample in the main 3D viewer.

Disclaimer: Queries can't be deleted. Just move them off screen, or hit the refresh button ;)

Happy exploring!