= Assignment 2 - Animate a Clock Escapement = === Due Date: Thursday January 25. 11:59PM === In this assignment you to gain experience working with transformations. We'd like you to animate a pendulum clock in OpenGL by setting up a hierarchy of transformations that properly place the various components of the clock on screen. In this assignment you'll also learn to work with several classes from the Stanford Toolkit (ST), these classes provide the ability to save and load shapes and images from disk, as well as organize the components of a scene into a scene graph. == About Clock Escapements == In high school physics, you might have done an experiment showing that the period of a swing of a pendulum is only dependent on the length of the pendulum. Because of this property, pendulums have been used to accurately keep time. In a pendulum clock, a device called an escapement utilizes the regular swing of the pendulum to limit the speed at which a gear turns. This gear drives other gears which spin the various hands of a clock. Take a few minutes to read the simple explaination of how pendulum clocks work at [http://electronics.howstuffworks.com/clock1.htm HowStuffWorks.com]. In this assignment you will animate a pendulum clock with two hands (second and minute hands). == Steps == == Grading == == Submission Instructions == == Additional Resources == * [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Escapement Wikipedia's article on escapements] * [http://www.geocities.com/mvhw/escapement.html Animations of many clock escapements]