= Assignment 3 FAQ and Student Discussion Page = The course staff will post answers to frequently asked questions about assignment 3 here. Feel free to add to this page yourself if you've got information to share with the rest of the class. Remember, the quickest way to get a response from a TA is to post to cs148-win0607-staff@lists.stanford.edu Return to the [wiki:self:Assignment3 Assignment 3 page]. == VS Express Linkage Problems == If you are using Visual Studio Express 2005 and obtain linkage warnings involing libST functions that look like this: {{{ Linking... layout.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "public: class STSceneNode * __thiscall STSceneNode::GetNext(void)" (?GetNext@STSceneNode@@QAEPAV1@XZ) referenced in function "void __cdecl destroyDrawables(class STSceneNode *)" (?destroyDrawables@@YAXPAVSTSceneNode@@@Z) layout.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "public: class STSceneNode * __thiscall STSceneNode::GetFirstChild(void)" (?GetFirstChild@STSceneNode@@QAEPAV1@XZ) referenced in function "void __cdecl destroyDrawables(class STSceneNode *)" }}} It's probably because VS Express hasn't correctly loaded the libst library dependencies from our project/scolution files (all this works fine in the full blown version of Visual Studio). You'll need add {{{libst.lib}}} as an additional dependency in your assignment3 project. Go into the project properties > Linker > Input and adding libst.lib to the list of 'Additional dependencies'. (thanks to Paolo Bezoari for reporting this)