The following 124 words could not be found in the dictionary of 615 words (including 615 LocalSpellingWords) and are highlighted below:

3d   accomplish   all   allowable   allows   amount   and   animation   appropriate   area   arguments   assigned   back   be   bit   bits   blue   buffered   buffers   call   called   calls   can   case   clipped   color   configure   Control   control   coordinates   cube   degree   Display   display   does   double   down   during   During   etc   event   events   F1   for   forth   Func   function   gl   glut   green   handler   handlers   Homework   How   how   ie   If   in   In   Init   initialization   keyboard   keys   last   Loop   Main   mapping   missing   Mode   more   movement   objects   of   Open   or   Ortho   outside   parameter   passed   pointers   program   programmably   programmer   provides   Question   red   resets   resize   schema   seamless   sense   set   sides   size   some   special   Special   specifies   specify   such   switch   that   The   the   there   these   this   to   transparency   triggered   two   until   up   variety   viewable   viewing   Viewport   wait   What   when   which   will   window   you  


  • Homework 1:

1) Question 1: In a GLUT program, how is control passed back to the programmer? How is this set up during initialization? Control is passed to the programmer a variety of event handlers, such as glutDisplayFunc (which allows you to programmably configure the display) or glutSpecialFunc (which provides a keyboard handler for special keys such as F1, up, down..), etc, etc. During initialization, function pointers are assigned to these events, and when glutMainLoop() is called, the program will wait until these events are triggered.

2) Question 2: What does the parameter to glutInitDisplayMode() specify? //glutInitDisplayMode( GLUT_RGBA | GLUT_DOUBLE ); GLUT_RGBA specifies a 32 bit color schema in which 8 bits specify the amount of red, 8 bits the amount of green, 8 of blue, and the last 8 for the degree of transparency. GLUT_DOUBLE specifies that the display will be double buffered, ie, there will be two buffers for the display that can switch back and forth during animation for more seamless movement.

3) Question 3: What do the calls to glOrtho() and glViewport() accomplish?

glOrtho() specifies the allowable viewing area. The 6 coordinates (arguments) specify the sides of a viewing cube outside of which all objects are clipped. In some sense, it provides a mapping of window coordinates to the OpenGL 3d coordinates. In this case, it resets the viewable area. glViewport() resets the window's coordinates to the appropriate size. If this call is missing, the window will not resize.
