Assignment 2 Discussion

For those it might be useful for, I've created a Makefile and a Visual Studio 2005 project for lz-kdtree you can find here. The Makefile will build, and the VS 2005 solution will build Release/lz-kdtree.dll and Debug/lz-kdtree_d.dll. I find this kind of setup useful if you want to keep lz-kdtree.cpp in a "local" directory outside the pbrt source tree (e.g., in a cvs repository without the rest of the pbrt source). Note that you'll have to add your own copy of lz-kdtree to the Sources in the VS solution file, and you'll have to change the path in the Makefile on line 10 to point to your own copy of pbrt.

Assignment2Discussion (last edited 2006-04-26 05:42:17 by TomBrow)