Annotated bibliography organized by topic. [[Anchor(Books)]] == Books == There is one required text for the course: Matt Pharr and Greg Humphreys [[BR]] ''Physically Based Rendering: From Theory to Implementation'' [[BR]] Morgan-Kaufmann Publishers, 2004 [[BR]] [ Book web site] In addition, the following books may be useful. Andrew Glassner [[BR]] ''An Introduction to Ray Tracing'' [[BR]] [ Book web site] This book contains a collection of chapters written by many of the original inventors of the major ray tracing algorithms. Although somewhat dated, it is filled with both practical and theoretical information that not available in other books. Peter Shirley and Keith Morley [[BR]] ''Realistic Ray Tracing, 2nd Edition'' [[BR]] A. K. Peters, 2003 [[BR]] [ Errata] This ray tracing book by Peter Shirley is highly recommended. It covers much of the material in the class at a very understandable level. Henrik Wann Jensen [[BR]] ''Realistic Image Synthesis Using Photon Mapping'' [[BR]] A. K. Peters, 2001 [[BR]] [ Book web site] An intermediate level book that describes the best current technique for global illumination calculations, the photon map. Philip Dutre, Philippe Bekaert, Kavita Bala [[BR]] ''Advanced Global Illumition'' [[BR]] [ Book web site] Francois Sillion, Claude Puech [[BR]] ''Radiosity and Global Illumination'' [[BR]] Morgan Kaufmann, 1994 [[BR]] Another good introduction to physically-based rendering, emphasizing radiosity. Michael Cohen and John Wallace [[BR]] ''Radiosity and Realistic Image Synthesis'' [[BR]] Academic Press, 1993 [[BR]] The book by Cohen and Wallace is the classic introduction to radiosity. Unfortunately, they concentrate on the finite element method and do not devote much space to Monte Carlo Ray Tracing. Andrew Glassner [[BR]] ''Principles of Digital Image Synthesis'' [[BR]] Morgan Kaufmann, 1995 [[BR]] An encyclopedic overview of rendering. Anthony Apodaca and Larry Gritz [[BR]] ''Advanced Renderman: Creating CGI for the Motion Pictures'' [[BR]] Morgan Kaufmann, 1999 [[BR]] The best current overview of advanced rendering from a user's point of view. David Ebert, F. Kenton Musgrave, Darwyn Peachey, Steven Worley, Ken Perlin [[BR]] ''Texturing and Modeling, Third Edition'' [[BR]] Morgan Kaufmann, 2003 [[BR]] [ web site] An excellent overview of procedural modeling and texturing. Steve Upstill [[BR]] ''The RenderMan Companion: A Programmers Guide to Realistic Computer Graphics'' [[BR]] Addison-Wesley, 1989 [[BR]] The standard reference on the RenderMan interface