CS348B Final Project Instructions

Proposal Due: Friday May 19th, 11:59PM

Rendering Competition: Friday June 9th, (time TBD)

Writeup Due: Monday June 12th, 11:59PM

Please create a page for your final project on FinalProjectPages.


Your final project is to produce a realistic image of a real object or scene. The scene or object should be challenging enough to require you to design and implement an advanced rendering algorithm. The final project is your chance to investigate an area that interests you in more depth, and to showcase your creativity. To get an idea of our expectations, check out the images produced by past participants. On Friday June 9th, you will present your project to a panel of judges as part of the CS348B rendering competition. As extra incentive, we are offering a grand prize that includes a free trip to SIGGRAPH in Boston in August for the best image produced. Think about following when choosing a project:

FinalProject (last edited 2006-06-08 14:18:54 by PatHanrahan)