= CS348B Spring 2006 Final Projects = The final project instructions page is [wiki:Self:FinalProject here]. ---- Please add a link to your project page here. Lee Hendrickson, Ryan Smith: [wiki:Self:LeeHendrickson/FinalProject Proposal], [wiki:Self:RyanSmith/FinalReport Report] [[BR]] [wiki:Self:BillDwyer/Project Bill Dwyer] [[BR]] Sean Rosenbaum and Mattias Bergbom: [wiki:Self:SeanRosenbaum/Foam Proposal], [wiki:Self:SeanRosenbaum/Report Report] [[BR]] [wiki:Self:JulieTung/FinalProposal Alex Li & Julie Tung] [[BR]] [wiki:Self:MuradAkhter/ProjectProposal Hyun Gu Lee & Murad Akhter] [[BR]] [wiki:Self:ShradhaBudhiraja/ProjectProposal Tarang Vaish & Shradha Budhiraja] [[BR]] [wiki:Self:KurtBerglund/ProjectProposal Kurt Berglund] [[BR]] Yi Lang Mok and Joyce Pan: [wiki:Self:YiLangMok/ProjectProposal Proposal], [wiki:Self:JoycePan/FinalProject Report] [[BR]] [wiki:Self:TomBrow/ProjectProposal Tom Brow & Ranjitha Kumar] [[BR]] [wiki:Self:DougJohnston/FinalProject Doug Johnston and Paul Tarjan] [[BR]]