## Please edit system and help pages ONLY in the moinmaster wiki! For more ## information, please see MoinMaster:MoinPagesEditorGroup. ##master-page:FrontPage #format wiki #language en #pragma section-numbers off = CS348b Wiki = This is the course wiki for cs348b - Image Synthesis Some results from last year's [http://www-graphics.stanford.edu/courses/cs348b-competition/cs348b-05/ Rendering Competition]: http://www.graphics.stanford.edu/courses/cs348b-06/images/hawk.jpg http://www.graphics.stanford.edu/courses/cs348b-06/images/peacock.jpg http://www.graphics.stanford.edu/courses/cs348b-06/images/donuts.jpg == Announcements == * '''Assignment 3 is available [wiki:Assignment3 here]. It is due Thu May 4th at midnight.''' * The slides for each lecture are in the wiki. There is a running assignment to comment on the lectures. You are required to enter 1 extended comment per lecture within 1 week of the lecture. See ["Guidelines"] for what we are looking for in the comments. == Syllabus == || Week || Dates || Tue || Thu || || 1 || Apr 4, 6 || [wiki:Self:Lectures#Goals The Goals of Rendering] || [wiki:Self:Lectures#Basic Ray Tracing I: Basic Algorithms] || || 2 || Apr 11, 13 || [wiki:Self:Lectures#Acceleration Ray Tracing II: Acceleration Techniques] || [wiki:Self:Lectures#Radiometry Radiometry] || || 3 || Apr 18, 20 || [wiki:Self:Lectures#LightField The Light Field] || [wiki:Self:Lectures#MonteCarloI Monte Carlo Integration I] || || 4 || Apr 25, 27 || [wiki:Self:Lectures#Camera Cameras and Film]|| [wiki:Self:Lectures#MonteCarloII Monte Carlo Integration II] || || 5 || May 2, 4 || [wiki:Self:Lectures#Sampling Sampling and Reconstruction] (''Kayvon'') || [wiki:Self:Lectures#ReflectionI Reflection Models I: BRDFs and Diffuse] || || 6 || May 9, 11 || Reflection Models II: Glossy || Texture || || 7 || May 16, 18 || Light Transport and the Rendering Equation || Monte Carlo Path Tracing || || 8 || May 23, 25 || Irradiance Caching and Photon Mapping || Participating Media and Volume Rendering || || 9 || May 30, Jun 1 || Reflection Models III: Anisotropic Reflection || Current Topics in Rendering || || 10 || June 9 || || ''Rendering Competition'' (Friday) || == Information == * Time: 9:30-10:45am, Tu/Th, Spring 2006 * Room: [http://www.stanford.edu/dept/registrar/tcseq/102.html Hewlett 102] * Course staff mailing list: cs348b-spr0506-staff@lists.stanford.edu * ["Instructors"] * ["Participants"] * ["Bibliography"] * ["Syllabus"] * [wiki:Self:PBRTInfo PBRT Information] == How to use this site == Interesting starting points: * RecentChanges: see where people are currently working * WikiSandBox: feel free to change this page and experiment with editing * FindPage: search or browse the database in various ways * SyntaxReference: quick access to wiki syntax * SiteNavigation: get an overview over this site and what it contains A Wiki is a collaborative site, anyone can contribute and share: * Edit any page by pressing '''[[GetText(Edit)]]''' at the top or the bottom of the page * Create a link to another page with joined capitalized words (like WikiSandBox) or with {{{["quoted words in brackets"]}}} * Search for page titles or text within pages using the search box at the top of any page * See HelpForBeginners to get you going, HelpContents for all help pages. To learn more about what a WikiWikiWeb is, read about MoinMoin:WhyWikiWorks and the MoinMoin:WikiNature. Also, consult the MoinMoin:WikiWikiWebFaq. This wiki is powered by MoinMoin.