Final Project Proposal: Alex Li, Julie Tung

Project Goals

Our goal is to realistically render a scene of the surface of the ocean with killer whales. Below we have a few of our inspirational images. While some work has already been done in the area of rendering the surface of the ocean, we would like to especially investigate the realistic rendering of disturbances in the water, caused by the killer whales splashing and rippling the surface of the water.

Photo Credit:

Techniques and Challenges

Rendering the Surface of the Ocean

Additional Sources:

Realistic, Real-Time Rendering of Ocean Waves:

Rendering Natural Waters:

Subsurface Scattering

We will use subsurface scattering techniques in order to help make the waves in the ocean look realistic. We will most likely be using the algorithms for BSSRDFs from this paper: In addition, we will also try to use subsurface scattering on the killer whales' skin, hopefully to make it slightly translucent and exhibit accurate optical properties.

Modeling Water Splashes

We would like to realistically model the interaction of the killer whale with the surface of the water, causing some splashing and ripples in the water.

Additional Sources:

Dynamic Simulation of Splashing Fluids:

Animation and Rendering of Complex Water Surfaces:

Basic Approach

Since we have several different advanced features that we would like to tackle in this project, our approach will be to prioritize and finish the two major ones (realistic ocean surface with subsurface scattering and accurately modeling splashing) before moving on to the others, such as more complex lighting interactions. For the lighting in our scene, we will most likely start out using an environment map acting as an infinite area light, unless we have time to do something more elaborate.

We will most likely purchase a killer whale model (since neither of us really know how to use the modeling programs). We will be procedurally generating the surface of the ocean.

JulieTung/FinalProposal (last edited 2006-05-20 06:09:07 by JulieTung)