Homework 1

Scene 1

Not too hard. Had to get the angle and size just right

Scene 2

This one sucked. I don't think it is a bug, but with a 90 degree rotation, even if you make the light size HUGE the background won't light up. I think it is due to the angle of the light with the background, but I though it was a sphere light. Anyways, I still didn't get it looking right but gave up and did what I could

Scene 3

Smooth sailing

Scene 4

Not too bad


I wanted to see what differenet materials looked like, and I was in the mood to make some pretty pictures. I'm not sure where the defects on some of them come in. I don't know if it is linux or pbrt. The exr looks just as bad. Here they are:

PaulTarjan/Homework1 (last edited 2006-04-14 03:24:37 by PaulTarjan)