= Final Project: Rendering Lily Pads = === Tom Brow, Ranjitha Kumar === attachment:final_copy.jpg == Lily Pad Models == All the lily pads and stems were modelled in Mathematica; the screen shot below shows the basic form of the equations used to model both the pads and the stems. The intuition used to create the lily pad models is as follows: * {x(u,v) = cos(u), y(u,v) = sin(u), z(u,v) = C} creates a circle in the z(u, v) = C plane. * To create a circle with frills on the outer edge, add cosine terms of varying frequency and amplitude to x(u, v) and sine terms of varying frequency and amplitude to y(u, v). * Varying u from 0 to a value less than 2*Pi, results in an incomplete circle. To make the circle pucker inwards like a cardiod, multiply x(u,v) and y(u,v) by some degree of v. * The other terms in x(u,v) and y(u,v) are used to move the location of the center of the lilypad so that stem is not attached to the dead center of the circle. * Finally, defining z(u,v) as sin(v) makes the lily pad curve inward to meet the stem. The model of the lily pad stems can be thought of as sweeping a circle along a curve defined by sines and cosines. attachment:mathematica.jpg ---- /!\ '''Edit conflict - other version:''' ---- After creating all of the models in Mathematica, the geometry was outputted to PBRT scene files and referenced in the main scene file. We used the Mathematica to PBRT converter available at http://pbrt.org/downloads.php. Rotations and translations were applied to the models to place them so they closely matched up with the scene. ---- /!\ '''Edit conflict - your version:''' ---- ---- /!\ '''End of edit conflict''' ---- attachment:model.jpg == Subsurface Scattering == attachment:texture.jpg ||attachment:ks.jpg||||attachment:sig_a.jpg||||attachment:depth.jpg|| == References ==