Assignment 3 Camera Simulation

Shradha Budhiraja

Date submitted: 05 May 2006

Code emailed: ?? May 2006

Compound Lens Simulator

Description of implementation approach and comments

The lens simulator works on the basic principles of refraction through glass. At first, it was important to convert the raw image coordinates given by the sample to appropriate camera coordinates. This was done by computing the screen extent using the film diagonal and the horizontal and vertical resolutions and transforming the raster coordinates using this. This became the origin of the ray. Samples on the lens were taken on the back surface of the last lens in stack. Also, the position of the camera is in the negative z direction at a distance of filmdustance plus the thickness of the entire lens system. Thus these two points on the lens and the film determined the original direction of the ray. This was normalized and thus used to calculate cos(theta) , where theta is the angle the initial ray makes with the normal of the image plane, for the weight term. The total weight of the ray was given by the product of the area of the disk and the fourth power of cos(theta) all divided by the square of the film distance.

The next step was to perform the sphere-ray intersections as the ray passes through each lens in stack. This was done by simply plugging the equation of a ray (o + td) into the equation of a sphere and solving the quadratic in t. If the intersection point is beyond the aperture, the ray does not make it to the world.

The ray now had to be refracted through the lens using snell's law. I first tried rotating the ray by the new angle found through snell's law. After a lot of debugging, I realised this was not going to work. Searching through the internet, I found a paper which found the direction of the refracted ray in a more sophisticated manner. I used the method described in the paper to calculate the direction of the ray. If this direction had inverted, it was a case of total internal reflection and the ray was ignored. Now, this ray becomes the input ray for the next lens and so on. At the aperture stop in the center, the ray goes undefracted and is just checked against the aperture. Thus, the ray was refracted against each lens and the final direction of the ray was obtained.

Finally, the mint and maxt was set for the ray and the ray was transformed into World coordinates.

Final Images Rendered with 512 samples per pixel

My Implementation




Double Gausss


Wide Angle




Final Images Rendered with 4 samples per pixel

My Implementation




Double Gausss


Wide Angle




Experiment with Exposure

Image with aperture full open

Image with half radius aperture



Observation and Explanation


Autofocus Simulation

Description of implementation approach and comments


Final Images Rendered with 512 samples per pixel

Adjusted film distance

My Implementation


Double Gausss 1



Double Gausss 2






Any Extras

...... Go ahead and drop in any other cool images you created here .....