The following 83 words could not be found in the dictionary of 615 words (including 615 LocalSpellingWords) and are highlighted below:

200x200   According   an   appreciate   around   Assignment   at   be   bug   Build   built   but   claims   clarified   colored   Cool   coordinate   Experimentation   files   For   from   get   had   handed   if   in   Installation   left   lights   looks   multi   neat   no   of   old   on   one   only   openexr   Other   Otherwise   out   pbrt   pixelsamples   played   pretty   problems   Process   reason   rendered   Rendering   save   scene   set   shadow   side   so   some   stuff   Synaptic   system   that   the   there   this   time   To   to   tried   turned   Ubuntu   use   version   was   we   website   were   when   which   with   work   would   wrong  


Assignment 1

PBRT Build/Installation

I built pbrt on Ubuntu. For some reason Ubuntu's Synaptic only had an old version of openexr, so I had to get openexr 4.0 from the openexr website. Otherwise there were no problems.

Rendering Process

To save time I rendered at 200x200 with pixelsamples set to 2.

Experimentation / Other Cool stuff

I played around with multi-colored lights, which looks pretty neat.

According to the TA there is a bug in pbrt. pbrt claims to use a left-handed coordinate system, but when we tried to work this out with one of the scene files it turned out that the shadow was on the wrong side. I would appreciate it if this could be clarified.
