The following 177 words could not be found in the dictionary of 615 words (including 615 LocalSpellingWords) and are highlighted below:

affect   ahead   all   an   and   area   around   Assignment   assignment   at   based   before   better   bit   Book   Build   build   building   by   camera   changed   changes   color   configuration   configurations   confused   correct   different   each   easiest   effect   effects   ended   especially   Experimentation   experimented   fast   final   Fink   finkproject   flags   For   for   found   fourth   from   further   general   geometric   get   getting   got   having   helped   helpful   how   However   image   images   in   In   incrementally   individually   initially   Installation   installation   installed   installing   instructions   Intel   into   issues   light   lighting   lights   linker   long   looked   lowered   Mac   main   Makefile   me   model   modify   more   much   my   myself   of   on   Once   one   ones   Open   order   out   parameter   parameters   passed   pbrt   per   perspective   pixel   pixels   placing   points   position   positioning   Pro   process   Process   ran   relatively   rendered   Rendering   rendering   resolution   results   right   running   sample   samples   satisfactory   scene   see   separately   several   shadowing   size   softer   some   sort   source   sources   speed   spent   spot   start   started   straightforward   supposed   take   test   The   the   then   they   This   three   throughout   time   to   tools   transformations   trying   tweak   tweaking   under   understanding   unrecognized   until   up   used   using   wanted   was   well   were   what   What   when   Whenever   which   with   work   would  


Assignment 1


I installed pbrt on my Intel-based MacBook Pro running Mac OS X 10.4. The build and installation instructions were straightforward, especially after installing OpenEXR using Fink. However, I ran into some issues when building the pbrt tools. I ended up having to further modify the Makefile under the tools directory to work around unrecognized flags passed to the linker.

Rendering Process

In order to speed up the rendering process, I lowered the resolution to 200 x 200 pixels, used 1 sample per pixel, and 1-2 area samples for test images. Rendering time was relatively fast for the first three configurations. For the fourth configuration, I rendered each light source separately until they looked right individually before rendering the final image with all four lights.

I found it easiest to start with placing the light source in the general position it was supposed to end up, and then incrementally tweaking one parameter at a time to see how it would affect the scene. Whenever I got ahead of myself and changed several parameters at a time, it would take a bit to sort out which changes were satisfactory and which ones were getting me further from what I wanted.

I was initially confused by the main light in the fourth configuration, and spent a long time trying to tweak the parameters of a spot light to get the correct lighting and shadowing on the model. Once I started using an area light, I got much more satisfactory results with the softer shadowing.


What I found helpful throughout the assignment was placing the camera at different points around the scene. This helped me get a better perspective on the positioning of the light sources as well as understanding the effects of geometric transformations. I also experimented a bit with tweaking the color and size of different lights to see the effect on the model.
