
===Assignment 1 ===


I built and installed pbrt on Mac OZX 10.4.9 an Intel Macbook Pro. It was relatively painless, as was the installation of OpenExr. I had to fiddle with my .cshrc file a bit so that all the correct paths were included and the LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable was set correctly but it wasn't too difficult. I discovered that Preview for OSX also conveniently displays .exr formats.


Initially I found it helpful for my familiarization of the language to change the values of the variables. After a while I found it tedious however and wished there was some gui method for changing the size/position of the lights/head. During the tweaking stage I

to reduce the time it took to render. Once I found the best positioning of the lights with the low quality rendering, I upped the values to

for a final high quality image.

I ran a script every time I wanted to review a change: pbrt config_1.pbrt ; exrtotiff lighting.exr config_1.png ; open config_1.png instead of typing in each command repeatedly. An online documentation of pbrt would have proved useful but it seems like the folks who own pbrt are not cool with posting such material online.


last edited 2007-04-13 06:05:19 by PriscillaPham