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'RequestModPy' object has no attribute 'split'

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A problem occurred in a Python script. Here is the sequence of function calls leading up to the error, in the order they occurred.

  1. /usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/MoinMoin/request.py in run (self=<MoinMoin.request.RequestModPy object>)

    1. 1205 self.page.send_page(self, msg=msg)
    2. 1206 else:
    3. 1207 handler(self.page.page_name, self)
    4. 1208
    5. 1209 # generate page footer (actions that do not want this footer use
    • handler = <function execute>
    • self = <MoinMoin.request.RequestModPy object>
    • self.page = <MoinMoin.Page.Page instance>
    • self.page.page_name = u'SamplingLecture/014'
  2. /local/web/wikis/cs348b-07/data/plugin/action/Navigation.py in execute (macro=u'SamplingLecture/014', args=<MoinMoin.request.RequestModPy object>)

    1. 224 def execute(macro, args):
    2. 225 # get HTML code with the links
    3. 226 navi = Navigation(macro, args or '').dispatch()
    4. 227
    5. 228 if navi:
    • navi undefined
    • global Navigation = <class wikiconfig.plugin.action.Navigation.Navigation>
    • macro = u'SamplingLecture/014'
    • args = <MoinMoin.request.RequestModPy object>
    • ).dispatch undefined
  3. /local/web/wikis/cs348b-07/data/plugin/action/Navigation.py in __init__ (self=<wikiconfig.plugin.action.Navigation.Navigation instance>, macro=u'SamplingLecture/014', args=<MoinMoin.request.RequestModPy object>)

    1. 71 """
    2. 72 self.macro = macro
    3. 73 self.args = args.split(',')
    4. 74 self._ = self.macro.request.getText
    5. 75
    • self = <wikiconfig.plugin.action.Navigation.Navigation instance>
    • self.args undefined
    • args = <MoinMoin.request.RequestModPy object>
    • args.split undefined


'RequestModPy' object has no attribute 'split'

  • args = ("'RequestModPy' object has no attribute 'split'",)
  • message = "'RequestModPy' object has no attribute 'split'"

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