1 /**
  2  * Returns a linear color ramp from the specified <tt>start</tt> color to the
  3  * specified <tt>end</tt> color. The color arguments may be specified either as
  4  * <tt>string</tt>s or as {@link pv.Color}s.
  5  *
  6  * @param {string} start the start color; may be a <tt>pv.Color</tt>.
  7  * @param {string} end the end color; may be a <tt>pv.Color</tt>.
  8  * @returns {Function} a color ramp from <tt>start</tt> to <tt>end</tt>.
  9  * @see pv.Scale.linear
 10  */
 11 pv.ramp = function(start, end) {
 12   var scale = pv.Scale.linear();
 13   scale.range.apply(scale, arguments);
 14   return scale;
 15 };