class CardPawn : public CardEffect { public: void PlayAction(State &s) const { s.decision.MakeDiscreteChoice(c, 6); if(decisionText) s.decision.text = "Choose one:|+1 Card, +1 Action|+1 Card, +1 Buy|+1 Card, +1 Coin|+1 Action, +1 Buy|+1 Action, +1 Coin|+1 Coin, +1 Buy"; } bool CanProcessDecisions() const { return true; } void ProcessDecision(State &s, const DecisionResponse &response) const { PlayerState &p = s.players[s.player]; if(response.choice == 0) { if(logging) s.LogIndent(1, "chooses to draw a card and gain an action"); s.stack.PushEnd(new EventDrawCard(s.player)); p.actions++; } else if(response.choice == 1) { if(logging) s.LogIndent(1, "chooses to draw a card and gain a buy"); s.stack.PushEnd(new EventDrawCard(s.player)); p.buys++; } else if(response.choice == 2) { if(logging) s.LogIndent(1, "chooses to draw a card and gain a coin"); s.stack.PushEnd(new EventDrawCard(s.player));; } else if(response.choice == 3) { if(logging) s.LogIndent(1, "chooses to gain an action and a buy"); p.actions++; p.buys++; } else if(response.choice == 4) { if(logging) s.LogIndent(1, "chooses to gain an action and a coin"); p.actions++;; } else if(response.choice == 5) { if(logging) s.LogIndent(1, "chooses to gain a coin and a buy");; p.buys++; } } }; class CardCourtyard : public CardEffect { public: void PlayAction(State &s) const { if(s.players[s.player].hand.Length() > 0) { s.decision.SelectCards(c, 1, 1); if(decisionText) s.decision.text = "Choose a card to put on top of your deck:"; s.decision.cardChoices = s.players[s.player].hand; } else { if(logging) s.LogIndent(1, "has no cards in hand"); } } bool CanProcessDecisions() const { return true; } void ProcessDecision(State &s, const DecisionResponse &response) const { Card *c =[0]; PlayerState &p = s.players[s.player]; p.hand.RemoveSwap(p.hand.FindFirstIndex(c)); p.deck.PushEnd(c); if(logging) s.LogIndent(1, s.decision.controllingPlayer, "puts " + c->PrettyName() + " on their deck"); } }; class CardShantyTown : public CardEffect { public: void PlayAction(State &s) const { if(s.players[s.player].ActionCount() > 0) { if(logging) s.LogIndent(1, "reveals a hand with action cards"); } else { if(logging) s.LogIndent(1, "reveals a hand with no action cards"); s.stack.PushEnd(new EventDrawCard(s.player)); s.stack.PushEnd(new EventDrawCard(s.player)); } } }; class CardSteward : public CardEffect { public: void PlayAction(State &s) const { s.stack.PushEnd(new EventSteward(c)); } }; class CardWishingWell : public CardEffect { public: void PlayAction(State &s) const { s.decision.SelectCards(c, 1, 1); if(decisionText) s.decision.text = "Name a card:"; s.decision.cardChoices =>supplyCards; } bool CanProcessDecisions() const { return true; } void ProcessDecision(State &s, const DecisionResponse &response) const { Card *c =[0]; PlayerState &p = s.players[s.player]; if(p.deck.Length() == 0) { s.Shuffle(s.player); } if(p.deck.Length() == 0) { if(logging) s.LogIndent(1, "has no cards to reveal"); return; } Card *revealedCard = p.deck.Last(); if(logging) s.LogIndent(1, "names " +[0]->PrettyName()); if(logging) s.LogIndent(1, "reveals " + revealedCard->PrettyName()); if(revealedCard ==[0]) s.stack.PushEnd(new EventDrawCard(s.player)); } }; class CardBaron : public CardEffect { public: void PlayAction(State &s) const { if(s.players[s.player].hand.Contains(> { s.decision.MakeDiscreteChoice(c, 2); if(decisionText) s.decision.text = "Discard an estate?|Yes|No"; } else { s.stack.PushEnd(new EventGainCard(s.player,>; } } bool CanProcessDecisions() const { return true; } void ProcessDecision(State &s, const DecisionResponse &response) const { PlayerState &p = s.players[s.player]; if(response.choice == 0) { s.stack.PushEnd(new EventDiscardCard(s.player,>, DiscardFromHand)); if(logging) s.LogIndent(1, "gets $4"); += 4; } else if(response.choice == 1) { s.stack.PushEnd(new EventGainCard(s.player,>; } } }; class CardNobles : public CardEffect { public: void PlayAction(State &s) const { s.decision.MakeDiscreteChoice(c, 2); if(decisionText) s.decision.text = "Choose one:|+3 Cards|+2 Actions"; } bool CanProcessDecisions() const { return true; } void ProcessDecision(State &s, const DecisionResponse &response) const { PlayerState &p = s.players[s.player]; if(response.choice == 0) { for(UINT cardIndex = 0; cardIndex < 3; cardIndex++) s.stack.PushEnd(new EventDrawCard(s.player)); } else if(response.choice == 1) { p.actions += 2; } } }; class CardTradingPost : public CardEffect { public: void PlayAction(State &s) const { PlayerState &p = s.players[s.player]; if(p.hand.Length() == 0) { if(logging) s.LogIndent(1, "has no cards to trash"); } else if(p.hand.Length() == 1) { s.stack.PushEnd(new EventChooseCardsToTrash(c, 1, 1)); return; } else { s.stack.PushEnd(new EventGainCard(s.player,>baseCards.silver, false, false, GainToHand)); s.stack.PushEnd(new EventChooseCardsToTrash(c, 2, 2)); } } }; class CardScout : public CardEffect { public: void PlayAction(State &s) const { PlayerState &p = s.players[s.player]; if(p.deck.Length() < 4) { s.Shuffle(s.player); } int cardsToReveal = Math::Min((int)p.deck.Length(), 4); int cardsToReorder = 0; if(cardsToReveal == 0) { if(logging) s.LogIndent(1, "has no cards to reveal"); return; } Vector deckTop; for(int cardIndex = 0; cardIndex < cardsToReveal; cardIndex++) { Card *c = p.deck.Last(); p.deck.PopEnd(); if(c->isVictory) { if(logging) s.LogIndent(1, "reveals " + c->PrettyName() + ", putting it into their hand"); p.hand.PushEnd(c); } else { if(logging) s.LogIndent(1, "reveals " + c->PrettyName()); deckTop.PushEnd(c); } } for(UINT deckIndex = 0; deckIndex < deckTop.Length(); deckIndex++) { p.deck.PushEnd(deckTop[deckIndex]); } for(UINT reorderIndex = 2; reorderIndex <= deckTop.Length(); reorderIndex++) { s.stack.PushEnd(new EventReorderDeck(c, s.player, reorderIndex)); } } }; class CardDuke : public CardEffect { public: int VictoryPoints(const State &s, UINT playerIndex) const { CardCounter counter(s.players[playerIndex]); return counter.Count(>baseCards.duchy); } }; class CardConspirator : public CardEffect { public: void PlayAction(State &s) const { PlayerState &p = s.players[s.player]; if(s.ActionsPlayedThisTurn() >= 3) { s.stack.PushEnd(new EventDrawCard(s.player)); s.players[s.player].actions++; } } }; class CardIronworks : public CardEffect { public: void PlayAction(State &s) const { s.decision.GainCardFromSupply(s, c, 0, 4); if(s.decision.cardChoices.Length() == 0) { s.decision.type = DecisionNone; if(logging) s.Log("has no cards to gain"); } } bool CanProcessDecisions() const { return true; } void ProcessDecision(State &s, const DecisionResponse &response) const {>players[s.decision.controllingPlayer].ledger.RecordBuy([0]); s.stack.PushEnd(new EventGainCard(s.player,[0], false, false, GainToDiscardIronworks)); } }; class CardSwindler : public CardEffect { public: void PlayAction(State &s) const { for(const PlayerInfo &p :>players) { if(p.index != s.player) { s.stack.PushEnd(new EventSwindlerAttack(c, p.index)); } } } }; class CardMinion : public CardEffect { public: void PlayAction(State &s) const { s.stack.PushEnd(new EventMinion(c)); } }; class CardTorturer : public CardEffect { public: void PlayAction(State &s) const { for(const PlayerInfo &p :>players) { if(p.index != s.player) { s.stack.PushEnd(new EventTorturerAttack(c, p.index)); } } } }; class CardSaboteur : public CardEffect { public: void PlayAction(State &s) const { for(const PlayerInfo &p :>players) { if(p.index != s.player) { s.stack.PushEnd(new EventSaboteurAttack(c, p.index)); } } } }; class CardUpgrade : public CardEffect { public: void PlayAction(State &s) const { if(s.players[s.player].hand.Length() > 0) { s.decision.SelectCards(c, 1, 1); if(decisionText) s.decision.text = "Select a card to trash:"; s.decision.cardChoices = s.players[s.player].hand; s.stack.PushEnd(new EventUpgrade(c)); } else { if(logging) s.Log("has no cards to trash"); } } }; class CardTribute : public CardEffect { public: void PlayAction(State &s) const { int player = Math::Mod((int)s.player - 1,>players.Length()); PlayerState &p = s.players[player]; if(p.deck.Length() < 2) s.Shuffle(player); int cardsToReveal = Math::Min(2, (int)p.deck.Length()); if(cardsToReveal == 0) { if(logging) s.LogIndent(1, player, "has no cards to reveal"); return; } Card *firstReveal = NULL; for(int revealIndex = 0; revealIndex < cardsToReveal; revealIndex++) { Card *revealedCard = p.deck.Last(); p.deck.PopEnd(); if(logging) s.LogIndent(1, player, "reveals " + revealedCard->PrettyName()); if(revealedCard != firstReveal) { if(revealedCard->isAction) s.players[s.player].actions += 2; if(revealedCard->isVictory) { s.stack.PushEnd(new EventDrawCard(s.player)); s.stack.PushEnd(new EventDrawCard(s.player)); } if(revealedCard->isTreasure) { if(logging) s.LogIndent(1, "gets $2"); s.players[s.player].money += 2; } } firstReveal = revealedCard; s.stack.PushEnd(new EventDiscardCard(player, revealedCard, DiscardFromSideZone)); } } }; class CardMiningVillage : public CardEffect { public: void PlayAction(State &s) const { s.decision.MakeDiscreteChoice(c, 2); if(decisionText) s.decision.text = "Trash mining village?|Yes|No"; } bool CanProcessDecisions() const { return true; } void ProcessDecision(State &s, const DecisionResponse &response) const { PlayerState &p = s.players[s.player]; if(response.choice == 0) { += 2; if(logging) s.LogIndent(1, "gains $2"); s.stack.PushEnd(new EventTrashCardFromPlay(s.player, c)); } else if(response.choice == 1) { if(logging) s.LogIndent(1, "does not trash " + c->PrettyName()); } } };