#include "Main.h"

const bool fastTestMode = false;

String TestPlayer::VisualizationDescription(const Vector<Card*> &supplyCards, bool ignoreBuyID, bool ignoreCounts) const
    const BuyAgendaMenu *menu = dynamic_cast<const BuyAgendaMenu*>(&p->Agenda());
    BuyMenu m = menu->GetMenu();

    int maxCost = 999;
    String result = "e" + String(m.estateBuyThreshold) + "-d" + String(m.duchyBuyThreshold) + "-p" + String(m.provinceBuyThreshold) + "-";
    for(UINT index = 0; index < m.entries.Length(); index++)
        const BuyMenuEntry &curEntry = m.entries[index];
        //if(curEntry.count > 0 && curEntry.c->cost < maxCost && (ignoreBuyID || buyID[supplyCards.FindFirstIndex(curEntry.c)] == '1') && curEntry.c->name != "estate")
        if(curEntry.count > 0 && (curEntry.c->name == "peddler" || curEntry.c->cost < maxCost))
            if(ignoreCounts) result += curEntry.c->name + "|";
            else result += curEntry.c->name + "@" + String(curEntry.count) + "|";
        if(curEntry.count >= 15)
            maxCost = curEntry.c->cost;
    return result;

void TestChamberTask::Run(ThreadLocalStorage *threadLocalStorage)
    // Threads sometime run in lock-step: we could try to kick them out of it by staggered sleeping
    //int randomSeed = Utility::Hash32((int)&threadLocalStorage);
    //Sleep(randomSeed % 3 + rand() % 3);

    *result = chamber->Test(*cards, params, false);

void TestChamber::FreeMemory()
    _generation = 1;

void TestChamber::StrategizeStart(const CardDatabase &cards, const GameOptions &options, const String &directory, const String &metaSuffix)
    _gameOptions = options;
    _metaSuffix = metaSuffix;
    _directory = directory;

    // Higher-ranked leaders receive higher weight to reward strategies that are able to defeat them
    for(UINT leaderIndex = 0; leaderIndex < _parameters.leaderCount; leaderIndex++)
        _leaderWeights[leaderIndex] = Math::LinearMap(0.0, _parameters.leaderCount - 1.0, _parameters.leaderCurveMin, _parameters.leaderCurveMax, double(leaderIndex));
    double sum = _leaderWeights.Sum();
    for(UINT leaderIndex = 0; leaderIndex < _parameters.leaderCount; leaderIndex++) _leaderWeights[leaderIndex] /= sum;

    if(_parameters.leaderCount == 1) _leaderWeights[0] = 1.0;

    // Make a game just so we can easily grab the supply piles
    DominionGame g;
    Vector<PlayerInfo> playerList;
    playerList.PushEnd(PlayerInfo(0, "p0", new PlayerHuman()));
    playerList.PushEnd(PlayerInfo(1, "p1", new PlayerHuman()));
    g.NewGame(playerList, _gameOptions);
    _supplyCards = g.data().supplyCards;

    // Start the pool and leaders with variations on big money
    while(_leaders.Length() < _parameters.leaderCount)

void TestChamber::AssignBuyIDs(const Grid<TestResult> &poolResults)
    const UINT supplyCount = _supplyCards.Length();
    for(UINT poolIndex = 0; poolIndex < _pool.Length(); poolIndex++)
        String curID = "";
        for(UINT supplyIndex = 0; supplyIndex < supplyCount; supplyIndex++)
            char c = '0';
            for(UINT leaderIndex = 0; leaderIndex < _leaders.Length(); leaderIndex++)
                if(_supplyCards[supplyIndex]->expansion == "core" || poolResults(poolIndex, leaderIndex).buyRatio[supplyIndex] > 0.25) c = '1';
        _pool[poolIndex]->buyID = curID;

void TestChamber::AssignNewLeaders(const CardDatabase &cards)
    const UINT supplyCount = _supplyCards.Length();

    Vector<String> leaderBuyIDs;
    Vector<String> leaderMenuIDs;
    Vector<int> leaderSupplyCounters(supplyCount, 0);

    // To make for more diverse leaders, certain cards are prevented from occuring in more than half of the leader buy orders
    for(UINT supplyIndex = 0; supplyIndex < supplyCount; supplyIndex++)
        Card *c = _supplyCards[supplyIndex];
        if(c->strength == -1) leaderSupplyCounters[supplyIndex] = _parameters.leaderCount;
        else leaderSupplyCounters[supplyIndex] = Math::Ceiling((double)_parameters.leaderCount / 2.0);
        //leaderSupplyCounters[supplyIndex] = Utility::Bound(leaderSupplyCounters[supplyIndex], 3, 6);

    while(_leaders.Length() < _parameters.leaderCount)
        bool newLeaderFound = false;
        for(UINT poolIndex = 0; poolIndex < _pool.Length() && !newLeaderFound; poolIndex++)
            TestPlayer *curPlayer = _pool[poolIndex];
            if(!leaderBuyIDs.Contains(curPlayer->buyID) && !leaderMenuIDs.Contains(curPlayer->VisualizationDescription(_supplyCards, true, true)))
                bool overusedCardFound = false;
                for(UINT supplyIndex = 0; supplyIndex < supplyCount; supplyIndex++)
                    if(curPlayer->buyID[supplyIndex] == '1' && leaderSupplyCounters[supplyIndex] <= 0) overusedCardFound = true;
                    newLeaderFound = true;
                    leaderMenuIDs.PushEnd(curPlayer->VisualizationDescription(_supplyCards, true, true));

                    for(UINT supplyIndex = 0; supplyIndex < supplyCount; supplyIndex++)
                        if(_supplyCards[supplyIndex]->expansion != "core" && curPlayer->buyID[supplyIndex] == '1') leaderSupplyCounters[supplyIndex]--;
            Console::WriteLine("No leader found!");
            TestPlayer *newPlayer = new TestPlayer(new PlayerHeuristic(new BuyAgendaMenu(cards, _gameOptions)));
            newPlayer->p = newPlayer->p->Mutate(cards, _gameOptions);

void TestChamber::GenerateNewPool(const CardDatabase &cards)
    for(UINT leaderIndex = 0; leaderIndex < _leaders.Length(); leaderIndex++) _pool.PushEnd(_leaders[leaderIndex]);

    const bool useMutationPool = true;
        while(_pool.Length() < _parameters.poolSize)
            TestPlayer *parent = _leaders.RandomElement();
            TestPlayer *mutatedChild = new TestPlayer(parent->p->Mutate(cards, _gameOptions));

            while(rnd() >= _parameters.mutationTerminationProbability)
                mutatedChild = new TestPlayer(mutatedChild->p->Mutate(cards, _gameOptions));

        // Fixed set of possible permutations
        Vector<TestPlayer*> newPool;
        for(TestPlayer *p : _leaders)
            // Try possible alterations to the menu entries
            const BuyMenu &menu = dynamic_cast<const BuyAgendaMenu*>(&(p->p->Agenda()))->GetMenu();
            for(UINT menuIndex = 0; menuIndex < menu.entries.Length(); menuIndex++)
                const BuyMenuEntry &curEntry = menu.entries[menuIndex];
                if(curEntry.count != 99)
                    // Eliminate the current menu entry
                    BuyMenu menuCopy = menu;
                    menuCopy.entries[menuIndex].count = 0;
                    newPool.PushEnd(new TestPlayer(new PlayerHeuristic(new BuyAgendaMenu(menuCopy))));

                    // Adjust count of current menu entry
                    for(int countDelta = -2; countDelta <= 2; countDelta++)
                        int newCount = curEntry.count + countDelta;
                        if(newCount != curEntry.count && newCount >= 1 && newCount <= 10)
                            BuyMenu menuCopy = menu;
                            menuCopy.entries[menuIndex].count = newCount;
                            newPool.PushEnd(new TestPlayer(new PlayerHeuristic(new BuyAgendaMenu(menuCopy))));

                    // Replace entry with 1, 2, and 4 of each possible supply card
                    int cardCountList[3] = {1, 2, 4};
                    for(UINT supplyIndex = 0; supplyIndex < _supplyCards.Length(); supplyIndex++)
                        Card *c = _supplyCards[supplyIndex];
                        if(c != curEntry.c && curEntry.CardValidInSlot(c) && c->name != "curse" && c->name != "copper" && c->name != "estate" && c->name != "duchy" && c->name != "province" && c->name != "colony")
                            for(UINT countIndex = 0; countIndex < 3; countIndex++)
                                BuyMenu menuCopy = menu;
                                menuCopy.entries[menuIndex].c = c;
                                menuCopy.entries[menuIndex].count = cardCountList[countIndex];
                                newPool.PushEnd(new TestPlayer(new PlayerHeuristic(new BuyAgendaMenu(menuCopy))));

            // Try possible alterations to the buy thresholds
            for(int countDelta = -2; countDelta <= 2; countDelta++)
                int newEstateCount = menu.estateBuyThreshold + countDelta;
                if(newEstateCount != menu.estateBuyThreshold && newEstateCount >= 0 && newEstateCount <= 8)
                    BuyMenu menuCopy = menu;
                    menuCopy.estateBuyThreshold = newEstateCount;
                    newPool.PushEnd(new TestPlayer(new PlayerHeuristic(new BuyAgendaMenu(menuCopy))));

                int newDuchyCount = menu.duchyBuyThreshold + countDelta;
                if(newDuchyCount != menu.duchyBuyThreshold && newDuchyCount >= 0 && newDuchyCount <= 8)
                    BuyMenu menuCopy = menu;
                    menuCopy.duchyBuyThreshold = newDuchyCount;
                    newPool.PushEnd(new TestPlayer(new PlayerHeuristic(new BuyAgendaMenu(menuCopy))));

                int newProvinceCount = menu.provinceBuyThreshold + countDelta;
                if(_gameOptions.prosperity && newProvinceCount != menu.provinceBuyThreshold && newProvinceCount >= 0 && newProvinceCount <= 8)
                    BuyMenu menuCopy = menu;
                    menuCopy.provinceBuyThreshold = newProvinceCount;
                    newPool.PushEnd(new TestPlayer(new PlayerHeuristic(new BuyAgendaMenu(menuCopy))));

        Vector<String> IDs;
        for(TestPlayer *p : newPool)
            String id = p->VisualizationDescription(_supplyCards, true);

void TestChamber::SaveVisualizationFiles(const CardDatabase &cards)
    if(_generation % 4 == 0)
        ComputeLeaderboard(cards, _leaders, _directory + "leaderboard/" + String::ZeroPad(_generation, 3) + _metaSuffix + ".txt", _parameters.visualizationGameCount);

        for(UINT leaderIndex = 0; leaderIndex < _leaders.Length(); leaderIndex++)
            UINT curHash = _leaders[leaderIndex]->buyID.Hash32();
                // Override the previous version of this buy pattern, under thea assumption that the later generation one is better.
                _allLeaderHistory[_allLeaderHistoryHashes.FindFirstIndex(curHash)] = _leaders[leaderIndex];

        ComputeProgression(cards, _leaders[0], _bestLeaderHistory, _directory + "progression/" + String::ZeroPad(_generation, 3) + _metaSuffix + ".txt");

        if(_generation % 64 == 0)
            //ComputeCounters(cards, directory + "counters/" + String::ZeroPad(_generation, 3) + "_" + String(_metaIndex) + ".txt");

void TestChamber::StrategizeStep(const CardDatabase &cards)
    Assert(_pool.Length() != 0, "StrategizeStart not called");

    Console::WriteLine("Testing generation " + String(_generation) + _metaSuffix);
    // Run all AIs in the current pool against the leaders
    Grid<TestResult> poolResults = TestPool(cards, _directory + "generations/" + String::ZeroPad(_generation, 3) + _metaSuffix + ".txt");

    // Sort the pool according to their scores relative to the previous leaders
    _pool.Sort([](const TestPlayer *a, const TestPlayer *b) { return a->rating > b->rating; });

    Console::WriteLine("generation" + String::ZeroPad(_generation, 3) + ", leader win percentage: " + String(_pool[0]->rating * 100.0) + "%");
    Console::WriteLine(_pool[0]->VisualizationDescription(_supplyCards, true));





Grid<TestResult> TestChamber::RunAllPairsTests(const CardDatabase &cards, const Vector<TestPlayer*> &playersA, const Vector<TestPlayer*> &playersB, UINT minGameCount, UINT maxGameCount)
    Grid<TestResult> allResults(playersA.Length(), playersB.Length());

    TestParameters params;
    params.minGameCount = minGameCount;
    params.maxGameCount = maxGameCount;
    params.options = _gameOptions;

        params.minGameCount = 10;
        params.maxGameCount = 10;

    TaskList<WorkerThreadTask*> tasks;
    for(UINT playerAIndex = 0; playerAIndex < playersA.Length(); playerAIndex++)
        for(UINT playerBIndex = 0; playerBIndex < playersB.Length(); playerBIndex++)
            TestChamberTask *newTask = new TestChamberTask;
            newTask->chamber = this;
            newTask->cards = &cards;
            newTask->params = params;
            newTask->params.players[0] = playersA[playerAIndex]->p;
            newTask->params.players[1] = playersB[playerBIndex]->p;
            newTask->result = &allResults(playerAIndex, playerBIndex);

    ThreadPool threadPool;

    return allResults;

void TestChamber::ComputeCounters(const CardDatabase &cards, const String &filename)
    ofstream file(filename.CString());
    file << "Counters" << endl;

    Grid<TestResult> results = RunAllPairsTests(cards, _leaders, _allLeaderHistory, _parameters.visualizationGameCount, _parameters.visualizationGameCount);

    file << endl << "Kingdom cards:\t" << _gameOptions.ToString() << endl;

    const UINT supplyCount = _supplyCards.Length();
    file << endl << "Leaders:\t" << _leaders.Length() << endl;

    for(UINT leaderIndex = 0; leaderIndex < _leaders.Length(); leaderIndex++)
        file << endl << "Leader" << leaderIndex << "\t0\t" << _leaders[leaderIndex]->VisualizationDescription(_supplyCards, true) << endl;

        Vector< pair<TestPlayer*, double> > players;
        for(UINT playerIndex = 0; playerIndex < _allLeaderHistory.Length(); playerIndex++)
            players.PushEnd(make_pair(_allLeaderHistory[playerIndex], results(leaderIndex, playerIndex).winRatio[0]));

        players.Sort([](const pair<TestPlayer*, double> &a, const pair<TestPlayer*, double> &b) { return a.second < b.second; } );

        for(int playerIndex = 0; playerIndex < Math::Min(int(_allLeaderHistory.Length()), 20); playerIndex++)
            Console::WriteLine("Counter" + String(playerIndex) + "\t" + String(results(leaderIndex, 0).winRatio[1]));
            file << "Opponent " << playerIndex << ":\t" << String((players[playerIndex].second - 0.5) * 200.0) << "\t" << players[playerIndex].first->VisualizationDescription(_supplyCards, true) << endl;

void TestChamber::ComputeProgression(const CardDatabase &cards, TestPlayer *leader, const Vector<TestPlayer*> &players, const String &filename)
    const UINT leaderCount = players.Length();
    Console::WriteLine("Generating progression comparison for generation " + String(_generation) + _metaSuffix);

    ofstream file(filename.CString());
    file << "Progression" << endl;

    Vector<TestPlayer*> leaderList(1, leader);
    Grid<TestResult> results = RunAllPairsTests(cards, players, leaderList, _parameters.visualizationGameCount, _parameters.visualizationGameCount);

    file << endl << "Kingdom cards:\t" << _gameOptions.ToString() << endl;

    const UINT supplyCount = _supplyCards.Length();
    for(UINT leaderIndexA = 0; leaderIndexA < leaderCount; leaderIndexA++)
        String curID = "";
        for(UINT supplyIndex = 0; supplyIndex < supplyCount; supplyIndex++)
            char c = '0';
            if(_supplyCards[supplyIndex]->expansion == "core" || results(leaderIndexA, 0).buyRatio[supplyIndex] > 0.25) c = '1';
        players[leaderIndexA]->buyID = curID;

    file << endl << "Leader\t0\t" << players.Last()->VisualizationDescription(_supplyCards, true) << endl;

    file << endl << "Opponents:\t" << leaderCount << endl;
    for(UINT leaderIndex = 0; leaderIndex < leaderCount; leaderIndex++)
        //Console::WriteLine("Opponent " + String(leaderIndex) + ": " + String(results(leaderIndex, 0).winRatio[1]));
        file << "Opponent " << leaderIndex << ":\t" << String((results(leaderIndex, 0).winRatio[1] - 0.5) * 200.0) << "\t" << players[leaderIndex]->VisualizationDescription(_supplyCards, true) << endl;

    //file << endl << "Full description" << endl;
    //for(UINT leaderIndex = 0; leaderIndex < leaderCount; leaderIndex++)
    //    file << "Opponent " << leaderIndex << ":\t" << players[leaderIndex]->p->ControllerName() << endl;

void TestChamber::ComputeLeaderboard(const CardDatabase &cards, const Vector<TestPlayer*> &players, const String &filename, UINT gameCount)
    Console::WriteLine("Generating leaderboard comparison for generation " + String(_generation) + _metaSuffix);

    const UINT leaderCount = players.Length();
    ofstream file(filename.CString());
    Grid<TestResult> results = RunAllPairsTests(cards, players, players, gameCount, gameCount);

    file << "Leaderboard" << endl;
    file << endl << "Kingdom cards:\t" << _gameOptions.ToString() << endl;

    const UINT supplyCount = _supplyCards.Length();
    for(UINT leaderIndexA = 0; leaderIndexA < leaderCount; leaderIndexA++)
        String curID = "";
        for(UINT supplyIndex = 0; supplyIndex < supplyCount; supplyIndex++)
            char c = '0';
            for(UINT leaderIndexB = 0; leaderIndexB < leaderCount; leaderIndexB++)
                if(_supplyCards[supplyIndex]->expansion == "core" || results(leaderIndexA, leaderIndexB).buyRatio[supplyIndex] > 0.25) c = '1';
        players[leaderIndexA]->buyID = curID;

    file << endl << "Leaders:\t" << leaderCount << endl;
    for(UINT leaderIndexA = 0; leaderIndexA < leaderCount; leaderIndexA++)
        double averageWinRatio = 0.0;
        for(UINT leaderIndexB = 0; leaderIndexB < leaderCount; leaderIndexB++) if(leaderIndexA != leaderIndexB) averageWinRatio += results(leaderIndexA, leaderIndexB).winRatio[0];
        if(leaderCount > 1) averageWinRatio /= double(leaderCount - 1);

        file << "Leader " << leaderIndexA << ":\t" << (averageWinRatio - 0.5) * 200.0 << "\t" << players[leaderIndexA]->VisualizationDescription(_supplyCards, true) << endl;

    //file << endl << "Full description" << endl;
    //for(UINT leaderIndex = 0; leaderIndex < leaderCount; leaderIndex++)
    //    file << "Leader " << leaderIndex << ":\t" << players[leaderIndex]->p->ControllerName() << endl;

    file << endl << "Tournament" << endl;
    file << "player";
    for(UINT leaderIndexA = 0; leaderIndexA < leaderCount; leaderIndexA++) file << "\t" << leaderIndexA;
    file << endl;

    for(UINT leaderIndexA = 0; leaderIndexA < leaderCount; leaderIndexA++)
        file << leaderIndexA;
        for(UINT leaderIndexB = 0; leaderIndexB < leaderCount; leaderIndexB++)
            file << "\t" << (results(leaderIndexA, leaderIndexB).winRatio[0] - 0.5) * 200.0;
        file << endl;

    file << endl << "Buy Statistics" << endl;
    file << "player";
    for(UINT supplyIndex = 0; supplyIndex < supplyCount; supplyIndex++) file << "\t" << _supplyCards[supplyIndex]->name;
    file << endl;

    for(UINT leaderIndexA = 0; leaderIndexA < leaderCount; leaderIndexA++)
        file << leaderIndexA;
        for(UINT supplyIndex = 0; supplyIndex < supplyCount; supplyIndex++)
            double value = 0.0;
            for(UINT leaderIndexB = 0; leaderIndexB < leaderCount; leaderIndexB++)
                value += results(leaderIndexA, leaderIndexB).buyRatio[supplyIndex];
            file << "\t" << value / double(leaderCount);
        file << endl;

Grid<TestResult> TestChamber::TestPool(const CardDatabase &cards, const String &filename)
    Grid<TestResult> allResults = RunAllPairsTests(cards, _pool, _leaders, 200, _parameters.standardGameCount);
    const UINT supplyCount = allResults(0, 0).buyRatio.Length();
    const UINT leaderCount = _leaders.Length();

    double score = 0.0;
    for(UINT playerIndex = 0; playerIndex < _pool.Length(); playerIndex++)
        double rating = 0.0;
        for(UINT leaderIndex = 0; leaderIndex < leaderCount; leaderIndex++) rating += allResults(playerIndex, leaderIndex).winRatio[0] * _leaderWeights[leaderIndex];
        _pool[playerIndex]->rating = rating;

    ofstream file(filename.CString());
    file << "Generation" << endl;
    file << endl << "Kingdom cards:\t" << _gameOptions.ToString() << endl;

    file << endl << "Leaders:\t" << leaderCount << endl;
    for(UINT leaderIndex = 0; leaderIndex < leaderCount; leaderIndex++)
        file << "Leader " << leaderIndex << ":\t" << (_leaders[leaderIndex]->rating - 0.5) * 200.0 << "\t" << _leaders[leaderIndex]->VisualizationDescription(_supplyCards, true, false) << endl;

    /*file << "Leaders" << endl;
    file << "Index\tRating\tName" << endl;
    for(UINT leaderIndex = 0; leaderIndex < _leaders.Length(); leaderIndex++)
        file << leaderIndex << '\t' << _leaders[leaderIndex]->rating << '\t' << _leaders[leaderIndex]->p->ControllerName() << endl;

    file << endl << "Index\tRating";
    for(UINT leaderIndex = 0; leaderIndex < _leaders.Length(); leaderIndex++) file << "\tL" << leaderIndex;
    for(UINT supplyIndex = 0; supplyIndex < supplyCount; supplyIndex++) file << '\t' << _supplyCards[supplyIndex]->PrettyName();
    file << "\tName" << endl;
    for(UINT playerIndex = 0; playerIndex < _pool.Length(); playerIndex++)
        file << playerIndex << '\t' << _pool[playerIndex]->rating;

        Vector<double> buyRatio(supplyCount, 0.0);
        for(UINT leaderIndex = 0; leaderIndex < _leaders.Length(); leaderIndex++)
            for(UINT supplyIndex = 0; supplyIndex < supplyCount; supplyIndex++) buyRatio[supplyIndex] += allResults(playerIndex, leaderIndex).buyRatio[supplyIndex];
            file << '\t' << allResults(playerIndex, leaderIndex).winRatio[0];

        for(UINT supplyIndex = 0; supplyIndex < supplyCount; supplyIndex++) file << '\t' << buyRatio[supplyIndex];

        file << '\t' << _pool[playerIndex]->p->ControllerName() << endl;

    return allResults;

void TestChamber::InitializePool(const CardDatabase &cards)
    for(UINT supplyIndexA = 0; supplyIndexA < 11; supplyIndexA++)
        Card *a = NULL;
        if(supplyIndexA < 10) a = _gameOptions.supplyPiles[supplyIndexA];
        for(UINT supplyIndexB = 0; supplyIndexB < 11; supplyIndexB++)
            Card *b = NULL;
            if(supplyIndexB < 10) b = _gameOptions.supplyPiles[supplyIndexB];

            //if(a != NULL && b != NULL) _pool.PushEnd(new TestPlayer(AIUtility::MakeRandomPlayer(cards, a, b)));
            //_pool.PushEnd(new TestPlayer(AIUtility::MakeTwoCardPlayer(cards, a, b)));

            TestPlayer *newPlayer = new TestPlayer(new PlayerHeuristic(new BuyAgendaMenu(cards, _gameOptions)));
            newPlayer->p = newPlayer->p->Mutate(cards, _gameOptions);
            //newPlayer->p = new PlayerHeuristic(new BuyAgendaMenu(menu));

    for(UINT supplyIndexA = 0; supplyIndexA < 11; supplyIndexA++)
        Card *a = NULL;
        if(supplyIndexA > 0) a = _gameOptions.supplyPiles[supplyIndexA - 1];
        if(supplyIndexA == 0) _bestLeaderHistory.PushEnd(new TestPlayer(new PlayerHeuristic(new BuyAgendaMenu(cards, _gameOptions, a, NULL))));
    /*for(UINT mutationTestIndex = 0; mutationTestIndex < 1000000; mutationTestIndex++)
    PlayerHeuristic *p = _pool.RandomElement()->p->Mutate(cards, options);
    for(UINT mutation = 0; mutation < 50; mutation++)
    p = p->Mutate(cards, options);

TestResult TestChamber::Test(const CardDatabase &cards, const TestParameters &params, bool useConsole)
    logging = false;
    decisionText = false;

    TestResult result;
        Console::WriteLine("*** AI Test, max " + String(params.maxGameCount) + " games");
        Console::WriteLine("Supply: " + params.options.ToString());

    Vector<PlayerInfo> players;

    for(UINT playerIndex = 0; playerIndex < 2; playerIndex++)
        result.winRatio[playerIndex] = 0.0;
        players.PushEnd(PlayerInfo(playerIndex, "p" + String(playerIndex), params.players[playerIndex]));
        if(useConsole) Console::WriteLine(players.Last().name + ": " + players.Last().controller->ControllerName());

    DominionGame game;

    Clock timer;

    int gamesSampled = 0;
    bool significantDifferenceFound = false;
    for(UINT gameIndex = 0; gameIndex < params.maxGameCount && !significantDifferenceFound; gameIndex++)
        game.NewGame(players, params.options);

        const UINT supplyCount = game.data().supplyCards.Length();
        if(gameIndex == 0) result.buyRatio.Allocate(supplyCount, 0.0);
        for(UINT supplyIndex = 0; supplyIndex < supplyCount; supplyIndex++)
            if(game.data().players[0].ledger.cardsBought.Contains(game.data().supplyCards[supplyIndex])) result.buyRatio[supplyIndex] += 1.0;

        Vector<int> winners = game.state().WinningPlayers();
        for(UINT playerIndex = 0; playerIndex < 2; playerIndex++)
            if(winners.Contains(playerIndex)) result.winRatio[playerIndex] += 1.0 / double(winners.Length());

        if(gameIndex >= params.minGameCount && gamesSampled % 200 == 0)
            double errorMargin = 2.0 / sqrt(gamesSampled);
            double spread = fabs((result.winRatio[0] - result.winRatio[1]) / double(gamesSampled));
            significantDifferenceFound = (errorMargin <= spread);

    for(UINT supplyIndex = 0; supplyIndex < result.buyRatio.Length(); supplyIndex++) result.buyRatio[supplyIndex] /= double(gamesSampled);

    for(UINT playerIndex = 0; playerIndex < 2; playerIndex++)
        result.winRatio[playerIndex] /= double(gamesSampled);
        if(useConsole) Console::WriteLine(players[playerIndex].name + ": " + String(result.winRatio[playerIndex] * 100.0) + "%");

    if(useConsole) Console::WriteLine("Time: " + String(timer.Elapsed()) + "s, games=" + String(gamesSampled));

    return result;