Provincial is an artifical intelligence for the card game Dominion. For more information, see The website contains all the details on reading the strategy visualizations, but the general rule is that an AI purchases the left-most card it can afford. Some important things to remember: * Provincial must train on a set of kingdom cards before playing it effectively. For simplicity, the application comes with a large number of pre-trained kingdoms which are located in Provincial/data/kingdoms_g32_c1, and when you start a new game an AI is loaded at random from this folder. However, if you specify a custom kingdom or uncheck the "Use precomputed kingdoms" box, the AI will make random decisions until you train a new strategy on the new kingdom. * The application uses a large set of custom cards that can be found in the Provincial/data/custom folder. To disable these cards, edit the Provincial/data/parameters.txt file and set useCustomCards to false. * Provnicial.exe is the main application. It will launch TestinGroundsInternal.exe when a new tournament is in progress. If you want to continuously run random kingdoms, launch TestingGroundsSpawner.exe and click the Go button.