Run Find-Local-Devices -- this link should download and the program and use Java to run it. You should be prompted with a question like: "This code is signed by Nick Parlante, but we don't really know who that is. Would you like to run this code?" The browser asks in this situation since you are getting code from the internet, and the browser needs to verify that you want to run it.
Try the Fast Search button first. Some computer/network combinations can't handle the fast version reliably, so you can try Slow Search as a fallback.
I wrote the program for the situation where I've plugged a web camera into my local network, and I need a quick and easy way to find its address. Or more specififcally, I wanted something so simple that my dad could use it to find a local web camera. It's written in Java, and I've tested it on Windows, Mac, and Linux.
The program depends on the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) which most machines already have installed (it's free and open source). See JRE download to get Java.
Share and enjoy!
Nick Parlante