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Zahid Hossain

PhD, Computer Science

Riedel-Kruse Lab

Stanford University

Supervisor: Dr. Ingmar Riedel-Kruse

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These days I work at the Facebook Reality Labs, Redmond.


I take deep interest in futuristic technologies. For example, as part of my PhD thesis, I have desgined and demonstrated the first interactive biology cloud lab system that allows citizen scientists and 1000s of MOOCs students to interactively run real biology experiments over the Internet at scale. We call such a system an "Interactive Cloud Lab." This naturally drew on many diverse areas of engineering, including robotics, computer vision, cloud etc. For this work I was lucky to be supported by the BioX SIGF (Stanford Interdisciplinary Graduate Fellowship) and MPC-VCC scholarship (Max Planck Center of Visual Computing and Communications).

Besides, I am crazy passsionate about computer graphics, which I have long pursued through research, industry and teaching. In research, I have worked on volume rendering, denoising volume data, reconstruction of derivatives on non-standard lattices, lightfield imaging and reduced order modeling. In the industry, I have worked on several projects, including a game startup, EA, Samsung Research and Apple. I was also very lucky to have given the opportunity to teach CS148 - Intro. to Computer Graphics fulltime at Stanford during Summer 2016.

Short Bio

2018 - Present Applied Research Scientist & Manager
Facebook Reality Labs, Redmond.
2017 - 2018 Senior Software Engineer
Meta Co.
2011 - 2017 PhD, Computer Science
Ridel-Kruse Lab
Stanford University
Supervisor: Dr. Ingmar Riedel-Kruse, Dr. David Dill
2008 - 2011 MSc, Computer Science,
Graphics and Visualization, GRUVi,
Simon Fraser University
Senior Supervisor: Dr. Torsten Möller
Supervisor: Dr. Steven J. Ruuth
2006 - 2008 Software Developer
ReliSource Ltd
2002 - 2006 BSc, Computing Science
(Minor in Telecommunications)
North South University, Bangladesh
Undergraduate Supervisor: Dr. Khaled Mahmud
Kid - 2001 Manarat Dhaka International College