Leslie Wu
CS PhD[candidate] at Stanford University.
Drop me a line at lwu2@cs,stanford.edu
Research Projects
Interactive Cognitive Aids: Maintaining Shared Mental Models in Anesthesia Crisis Care with Nurse Tablet Input and Large-screen Displays
Leslie Wu, Jesse Cirimele, Stuart Card, Scott Klemmer, Larry Chu, Kyle Harrison.
[www] -- 2011, 2012, 2013
Healthy Habits Coach: Putting Triggers in the Path of Social Media with Chrome-Facebook Extensions
Leslie Wu, Neema Moraveji
[www], [slides] -- 2010
No Code Required: Giving Users Tools to Transform the Web
Chapter by Bjoern Hartmann, Leslie Wu, Scott Klemmer
(editors: Allen Cypher, Mira Dontcheva, Tessa Lau, Jeffrey Nichols)
[www] -- 2010
Tablin: Tabular Sensemaking with on-demand Mashups
Leslie Wu, Sharon Lin
[video] -- 2010
Slider-based Foot Input Devices: Methods for Stand-up Mousing
Leslie Wu
[PDF] -- 2010
Imprecise Input in a Precise World: Imprecise Interaction Techniques for Keyboards
Neema Moraveji, Björn Hartmann, Leslie Wu, Akshay Kothari
UIST Student Innovation Contest Entry -- 2009
Vispedia: Interactive Visual Exploration of Wikipedia Data via Search-Based Integration
Bryan Chan, Leslie Wu, Justin Talbot, Mike Cammarano, Pat Hanrahan
[www] -- 2008/2009
Visual Representations of Credibility on Wikipedia: Less is More
Jessica Richman, Leslie Wu
[PDF] -- 2008
Programming by a Sample: Rapidly Creating Web Applications with d.mix
Björn Hartmann, Leslie Wu, Kevin Collins, Scott R. Klemmer
[slides] -- 2007
Shattr: Combinatorial Group Testing for Software Integration
Leslie Wu
[slides] -- 2007
Remixing the Web: Tailoring Applications using Programmable Proxies inside Web Browsers
Leslie Wu, Joel Brandt, Scott R. Klemmer
[PDF] -- 2007
Social Values at the Interface: Toward "Just" Human-Computer Ranking Designs at Scale
Leslie Wu
[PDF] -- 2007