Sung Hee Park |
Vision and Imaging Architect |
Computer Graphics Laboratory, Electrical Engineering |
shpark7 [at] graphics [dot] stanford [dot] edu |
About Me | |
As of August 2014, I'm working at Apple in Cupertino. While at Stanford, I was a PhD student in the Electrical Engineering Department at Stanford University, advised by Marc Levoy. My research interest lies in computational photography and computer vision. | |
Education | |
PhD Dissertation: Gyro-Based Multi-Image Deconvolution for Removing Handshake Blur PhD, Electrical Engineering, 2014. MS, Electrical Engineering, 2010. BS, Electrical Engineering, 2007. | |
Experience | |
Graduate technical intern Vision and Image Processing Research, IXR/XTL, 2011-2014. | |
Research | |
Sung Hee Park, Marc Levoy IEEE CVPR 2014 | |
Sung Hee Park, Marc Levoy Stanford Computer Graphics Laboratory Technical Report 2014 | |
Kalpana Seshadrinathan, Sung Hee Park, Oscar Nestares IEEE ICCP 2012 (poster), IEEE ICIP 2012 | |
Sung Hee Park, Andrew Adams, Eino-Ville Talvala ACM Multimedia 2011 (open source software competition) | |
Natasha Gelfand, Andrew Adams, Sung Hee Park, Kari Pulli ACM Multimedia 2010 (short paper & technical demo) | |
Andrew Adams, Eino-Ville Talvala, Sung Hee Park, David E. Jacobs, Boris Ajdin, Natasha Gelfand, Jennifer Dolson, Daniel Vaquero, Jongmin Baek, Marius Tico, Hendrik P. A. Lensch, Wojciech Matusik, Kari Pulli, Mark Horowitz, Marc Levoy ACM SIGGRAPH 2010 | |
Sung Hee Park, Hyung Suk Kim, Steven Lansel, Manu Parmar, Brian Wandell Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers 2009 | |
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Sung Hee Park Cross-Disciplinary Applications of Artificial Intelligence and Pattern Recognition: Advancing Technologies, IGI Global, 2012. (book chapter) | |
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