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Broad Area Colloquium for Artificial Intelligence,
Table of Contents |
Spring 1998 |
The colloquium started on Thursday, April 2nd, 1998, and met on a weekly basis at 4:15 on Thursdays in Gates 104.
Fall 1998 |
The AIRV colloquium began on Wednesday, October 7, 1998, and met on an approximately BI-WEEKLY basis at 4:15 on Wednesdays in Gates B12. The colloquium was interleaved with the Geometry-Graphics-Robotics-Vision (GGRV) seminar for the autumn quarter.
Winter 1999 |
The AIRV colloquium began Wednesday, January 6, 1999, and met on an approximately BI-WEEKLY basis at 4:15 on Wednesdays in Gates B12. The colloquium was interleaved with the Geometry-Graphics-Robotics-Vision (GGRV) seminar for the winter quarter.
Spring 1999 |
Here is the schedule for spring 1999.
Fall 1999 |
The Broad Area Colloquium began Wednesday, September 29, 1999, and met every Wednesday at 4:15pm in TCseq201.
Winter 2000 |
The Broad Area Colloquium began Wednesday, January 12, 2000, and met every Wednesday at 4:15pm in TCseq201.
Spring 2000 |
This is the schedule for Spring 2000.
Fall 2000 |
Winter 2001 |
Spring 2001 |
Fall 2001 |
Winter 2002 |
Spring 2002 |
Spring 2002 | ||
Apr 8 | Stuart Shieber | Collaborative Interfaces and Human-Centered Compression |
Apr 15 | Jerome H. Friedman | Predictive Data Mining with Multiple Additive Regression Trees |
Apr 22 | Sebastian Marino | Performance, Direction, and Control: Using Procedural Methods in Filmmaking |
Apr 29 | Rob Schapire | The Boosting Approach to Machine Learning |
May 6 | David Heeger | Visual Neuroscience: Reverse Engineering the Brain |
May 13 | Holiday | |
May 20 | Daniel Koditschek | Programming Machines That Work |
May 27 | Holiday |
Fall 2002 |
Winter 2003 |
January 13 | Jonathan Shewchuk (Berkeley) | Constrained Delaunay Tetrahedralizations and Provably Good Mesh Generation |   |
January 27 | William Freeman (MIT) | Shape Recipies |   |
February 3 | David Salesin (UW) | Next Frontier in Graphics: Unleashing the Computer's Potential for Communication | |
February 10 | Paul Debevec (USC) | Computer Graphics with Real Light | |
February 24 | Henry Kautz (UW) | CANCELLED -- Foundations of Assisted Cognition Systems | |
March 3 | Dan Roth (Illinois) | Learning and Inference in Natural Language | |
March 10 | James Duncan (Yale) | Model-Based Analysis of Medical Images |
Spring 2003 |
Fall 2003 |
Sept 29 | Marc Levoy (Stanford) | High-performance imaging using dense camera arrays |
Oct 6 | Mark Yim (PARC) | Self Reconfigurable Robotics |
Oct 13 | Mathieu Desbrun (USC) | A Variational Approach to Digital Geometry: from Isotropic Smoothing to Thin-shell Simulation |
Oct 20 | Peter Bartlett (Berkeley) | Convexity and prediction problems |
Oct 27 | Sing Bing Kang (Microsoft Research) | Dense Multiview Stereo Approaches for Handling Occlusions, Highlights, Reflections, and Translucency |
Nov 3 | Yoshihiro Kuroki (Sony) | A Small Biped Entertainment Robot Exploring Attractive Applications |
Nov 10 | Adam Finkelstein (Princeton/Pixar) | Modeling by Drawing |
Nov 17 | Simon Baker (CMU) | Shape-From-Silhouette Across Time |
Nov 24 | Kevin Lynch (Northwestern) | Motion Planning for Underactuated Mechanical Systems |
Dec 1 | Micha Sharir (Tel Aviv) | Arrangements in Computational Geometry: Past, Present, and Future |
Winter 2004 |