Lecture Notes

For the lecture slides and/or handwriten notes, see the protected area.

Below is further material related to the lectures:

Material on transformations is covered by all standard texts in graphics, robotics, and vision. More specialized books are also available. Some good examples are:

Some relevant lecture notes from CS348a are here:

See also the Wikipedia articles on Rotation Matrices, Rotation Representations and Euler Angles.

The Gimbal Lock video shown in class is here (along with many other useful Computer Graphics videos).

Some relevant lecture notes from CS348a are here:

See the Wikipedia articles:

Some papers:

Some relevant lecture notes from CS268 are here:

Some papers:

Generally good algebraic topology books include:

Some papers:

Some papers:

Some papers:

A visualization of Kirkpatrick's algorithm: http://www.computational-geometry.org/SoCG-videos/socg03video/

See also the nearest neighbor and similaioty search Web page: http://simsearch.yury.name/


Some books and papers:


Some books and papers:

The crust applet shown in class:


Some books and papers:

Some books and papers: