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Vertex (Vertex)


An object v of the class Vertex is a vertex of a topological map.


bool v.is_incident_edge ( Halfedge_const_handle e)
returns true if e is incident to v (i.e., if v is the source or the target of e) .

bool v.is_incident_face ( Face_const_handle f)
returns true if f is incident to v.

unsigned int () returns the degree of v i.e., the number of outgoing halfedges.

v.incident_halfedges ()
returns a circulator that allows to traverse the halfedges that have v as their target. The edges are traversed around v in an order opposite that of the Ccb_halfedge_circulator. This circulator can also be used to access incident faces and vertices.

Next: Class declaration of Halfedge
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The GALIA project. Jan 18, 2000.