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To be a model of triangulation data structure the class Tds<Vb,Fb> is required to provide the following types and operations.

typedef Tds<Vb,Fb> Tds; self
typedef Vb Vertex_base; the Vertex_base
typedef Fb Face_base; the Face_base
requirement for this type are described in section reference.

requirements for this type are described in described reference.

The following iterators allow to visit all the vertices, edges and faces of the triangulation data structure. They are all bidirectional and non mutable.


The following circulators allow to visit all the vertices, edges and faces incident to a given vertex. They are all bidirectional and non mutable.



Tds<Vb,Fb> tds;
A default constructor.

Tds<Vb,Fb> tds ( Tds tds1);
Copy constructor. All the vertices and faces are duplicated.

Tds<Vb,Fb> tds = tds1 Assignation. All the vertices and faces are duplicated.

void tds.swap ( Tds tds1)
Swaps tds and tds1. Should be preferred to tds=tds1 or tds(tds1) when tds1 is deleted after that.

void tds.clear () Deletes all faces and all finite vertices.

void ~Tds<Vb, Fb> () Destructor. All vertices and faces are deleted.

Access Functions

int tds.dimension () The dimension of the triangulation.
int tds.number_of_vertices ()
The number of vertices in the data structure.
int tds.number_of_faces ()
The number of two dimensional faces in the data structure.
int tds.number_of_edges ()
The number of edges in the triangulation data structure.
int tds.number_of_full_dim_faces ()
The number of full dimensional faces, i.e. faces of dimension equal to the dimension of the triangulation. This is the actual number of faces stored in the triangulation data structure.


void tds.set_number_of_vertices ( int n)
void tds.set_dimension ( int n)


The following modifier member functions guarantee the combinatorial validity of the resulting triangulation.

void tds.flip ( Face* f, int i)
exchanges the edge incident to f and f->neighbor(i) with the other diagonal of the quadrilateral formed by f and f->neighbor(i).

Figure:  Flip.


Vertex* tds.insert_first ( Vertex* v)
creates the first vertex and returns a pointer to it.
Vertex* tds.insert_second ( Vertex* v)
creates the second finite vertex and returns a pointer to it.

Vertex* tds.insert_in_edge ( Vertex* v, Face* f, int i)
adds a vertex v splitting edge i of face f. Return a pointer to v.
Vertex* tds.insert_in_face ( Vertex* v, Face* f)
adds a vertex v splitting face f in three. Face f is modified, two new faces are created. Return a pointer to v
Vertex* tds.insert_dim_up ( Vertex* w, bool orient=true)
adds a vertex v, increasing by one the dimension of the triangulation. Vertex v and the existing vertex w are linked to all the vertices of the triangulation. The boolean orient decides the final orientation of all faces. A pointer to vertex v is returned.


void tds.remove_degree_3 ( Vertex* v, Face *f=NULL)
removes a vertex of degree 3. Two of the incident faces are destroyed, the third one is modified. If parameter f is specified, it has to be a face incident to v and will be the modified face.
Precondition: Vertex v is a finite vertex with degree 3 and, if specified, face f is incident to v.

void tds.remove_second ( Vertex* v)
removes the before last vertex.
void tds.remove_first ( Vertex* v)
removes the last vertex.
void tds.remove_dim_down ( Vertex* v)
removes vertex v incident to all other vertices and decreases by one the dimension of the triangulation.
Precondition: if the dimension is 2, the number of vertices is more than 3, if the dimension is 1, the number of vertices is 2.

Traversing the triangulation

Face_iterator tds.faces_begin () visits all faces
Face_iterator tds.faces_end ()
Vertex_iterator tds.vertices_begin ()
visits all vertices
Vertex_iterator tds.vertices_end ()
Edge_iterator tds.edges_begin () visits all edges
Edge_iterator tds.edges_end ()


int tds.ccw ( int i) returns i+1 modulo 3.
Precondition: 0 i 2.
int ( int i) returns i+2 modulo 3.
Precondition: 0 i 2.
bool tds.is_valid () checks the combinatorial validity of the triangulation: call the is_valid() member function for each vertex and each face, checks the number of vertices and the Euler relation between numbers of vertices, faces and edges.

Next: Class declaration of Tds::Vertex
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The GALIA project. Jan 18, 2000.