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Robust filtered predicates (Filtered_exact)

The class Filtered_exact<CT,ET> is a wrapper type for the number type CT, with the difference that all predicates are specialized such that they are guaranteed to be exact. Speed is achieved via a filtering scheme using interval arithmetic (see Section reference). Here are the necessary requirements:

The following member functions are used to access the numerical value for the different number types:

CT *this.value () returns the wrapped value.

ET *this.exact () returns the converted value to ET.

*this.interval () returns the converted value to Interval_nt_advanced.

This type actually has additional parameters for experimental features. They will be documented when they will be considered stable, in a next release.


You might use at the beginning of your program a typedef as follows:

    typedef Filtered_exact<double, leda_real> NT;

Or if you are sure that the predicates involved do not use divisions nor square roots:

    typedef Filtered_exact<int, Gmpz> NT;

And if you know that the double variables contain integer values, you can use:

    typedef Filtered_exact<double, Gmpz> NT;

As a general rule, we advise the use of Filtered_exact<double, leda_real>.


The template definition of the low level predicates of CGAL are overloaded for the type Filtered_exact<CT,ET>. It is a partial specialisation, which implies that this is not supported by the compilers that do not support correctly this C++ feature (for which we set CGAL_CFG_MATCHING_BUG_2). A workaround is in place that allows you to use one such filtered number type at once, by explicitely fully specializing the predicates for it. To do so, just define the macros CGAL_IA_CT and CGAL_IA_ET to the corresponding number types before any inclusion of CGAL files, as well as CGAL_IA_CACHE. For example :

#define CGAL_IA_CT double
#define CGAL_IA_ET leda_real
#define CGAL_IA_CACHE No_Filter_Cache

For each predicate file, the overloaded code is generated automatically by a PERL script (scripts/ that you can use for your own predicates. This script parses the template functions and generates the overloaded code the following way:


The low level template predicates of CGAL are in files named CGAL/predicates/kernel_ftC2.h (resp. ftC3), the script is used to produce the files CGAL/Arithmetic_filter/predicates/kernel_ftC2.h (resp. ftC3).

For the moment, only the cartesian predicates of the kernel are supported, as well as the power tests used by the regular triangulation.

Next: Class declaration of Gmpz
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The GALIA project. Jan 18, 2000.