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Files and Directories ( file )

The following functions are declared in < LEDA/file.htex2html_wrap_inline> .

string set_directory(string new_dir)
    sets the current working directory to new_dir and returns the name of the old cwd.

string get_directory() returns the name of the current working directory.

list<string> get_directories(string dir)
    returns the list of names of all sub-directories in directory dir.

list<string> get_files(string dir) returns the list of names of all regular files in directory dir.

list<string> get_files(string dir, string pattern)
    returns the list of names of all regular files in directory dir matching pattern.

list<string> get_entries(string dir) returns the list of all entries (directory and files) of directory dir.

bool is_directory(string fname)
    returns true if fname is the path name of a directory and false otherwise.

bool is_file(string fname) returns true if fname is the path name of a regular file and false otherwise.

bool is_link(string fname) returns true if fname is the path name of a symbolic link and false otherwise.

int size_of_file(string fname)
    returns the size of file fname in bytes.

string tmp_file_name() returns a unique name for a temporary file.

bool delete_file(string fname) deletes file fname returns true on success and false otherwise.

string first_file_in_path(string fname, string path, char sep = ':')
    searches all directories in string path (separated by sep) for the first directory dir that contains a file with name fname and returns dir/fname (the empty string if no such directory is contained in path).

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