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Linear Lists ( list )


An instance L of the parameterized data type list<E> is a sequence of items (list_item). Each item in L contains an element of data type E, called the element type of L. The number of items in L is called the length of L. If L has length zero it is called the empty list. In the sequel < x > is used to denote a list item containing the element x and L[i] is used to denote the contents of list item i in L.

#include < LEDA/list.h >


list<E>::item the item type.

list<E>::value_type the value type.


list<E> L creates an instance L of type list<E> and initializes it to the empty list.


Access Operations

int L.length() returns the length of L.

int L.size() returns L.length().

bool L.empty() returns true if L is empty, false otherwise.

list_item L.first() returns the first item of L (nil if L is empty).

list_item L.last() returns the last item of L. (nil if L is empty)

list_item L.get_item(int i) returns the item at position i (the first position is 0).
Precondition 0 < = i < L.length(). Note that this takes time linear in i.

list_item L.succ(list_item it) returns the successor item of item it, nil if it = L.last().
Precondition it is an item in L.

list_item L.pred(list_item it) returns the predecessor item of item it, nil if it = L.first().
Precondition it is an item in L.

list_item L.cyclic_succ(list_item it)
    returns the cyclic successor of item it, i.e., L.first() if it = L.last(), L.succ(it) otherwise.

list_item L.cyclic_pred(list_item it)
    returns the cyclic predecessor of item it, i.e, L.last() if it = L.first(), L.pred(it) otherwise.

E L.contents(list_item it) returns the contents L[it] of item it.
Precondition it is an item in L.

E L.inf(list_item it) returns L.contents(it).

E L.front() returns the first element of L, i.e. the contents of L.first().
Precondition L is not empty.

E L.head() same as L.front().

E L.back() returns the last element of L, i.e. the contents of L.last().
Precondition L is not empty.

E L.tail() same as L.back().

int L.rank(E x) returns the rank of x in L, i.e. its first position in L as an integer from [1...| L|] (0 if x is not in L). Note that this takes time linear in rank(x). Precondition compare has to be defined for type E.

Update Operations

list_item L.push(E x) adds a new item < x > at the front of L and returns it (L.insert(x,L.first(),LEDA::before)).

list_item L.push_front(E x) same as L.push(x).

list_item L.append(E x) appends a new item < x > to L and returns it (L.insert(x,L.last(),LEDA::after)).

list_item L.push_back(E x) same as L.append(x).

list_item L.insert(E x, list_item pos, int dir=LEDA::after)
    inserts a new item < x > after (if dir=LEDA::after) or before (if dir=LEDA::before) item pos into L and returns it (here LEDA::after and LEDA::before are predefined constants).
Precondition it is an item in L.

E L.pop() deletes the first item from L and returns its contents.
Precondition L is not empty.

E L.pop_front() same as L.pop().

E L.Pop() deletes the last item from L and returns its contents.
Precondition L is not empty.

E L.pop_back() same as L.Pop().

E L.del_item(list_item it) deletes the item it from L and returns its contents L[it].
Precondition it is an item in L.

E L.del(list_item it) same as L.del_item(it).

void L.erase(list_item it) deletes the item it from L.
Precondition it is an item in L.

void L.remove(E x) removes all items with contents x from L.
Precondition compare has to be defined for type E.

void L.move_to_front(list_item it)
    moves it to the front end of L.

void L.move_to_rear(list_item it)
    moves it to the rear end of L.

void L.move_to_back(list_item it)
    same as L.move_to_rear(it).

void L.assign(list_item it, E x)
    makes x the contents of item it.
Precondition it is an item in L.

void L.conc(list<E>& L1, int dir = LEDA::after)
    appends ( dir = LEDA : : after or prepends (dir = LEDA::before) list L1 to list L and makes L1 the empty list.
Precondition: L! = L1

void L.swap(list<E>& L1) swaps lists of items of L and L1;

void L.split(list_item it, list<E>& L1, list<E>& L2)
    splits L at item it into lists L1 and L2. More precisely, if it! = nil and L = x1,..., xk - 1, it, xk + 1,..., xn then L1 = x1,..., xk - 1 and L2 = it, xk + 1,..., xn. If it = nil then L1 is made empty and L2 a copy of L. Finally L is made empty if it is not identical to L1 or L2.
Precondition it is an item of L or nil.

void L.split(list_item it, list<E>& L1, list<E>& L2, int dir)
    splits L at item it into lists L1 and L2. Item it becomes the first item of L2 if dir==LEDA::before and the last item of L1 if dir=LEDA::after.
Precondition it is an item of L.

void L.apply(void (*f)(E& x)) for all items < x > in L function f is called with argument x (passed by reference).

void L.reverse_items() reverses the sequence of items of L.

void L.reverse_items(list_item it1, list_item it2)
    reverses the sub-sequence it1,..., it2 of items of L.
Precondition it1 = it2 or it1 appears before it2 in L.

void L.reverse() reverses the sequence of entries of L.

void L.reverse(list_item it1, list_item it2)
    reverses the sequence of entries L[it1]...L[it2].

void L.permute() randomly permutes the items of L.

void L.permute(list_item* I) permutes the items of L into the same order as stored in the array I.

void L.clear() makes L the empty list.

Sorting and Searching

void L.sort(int (*cmp)(E, E ), int dd=1)
    sorts the items of L using the ordering defined by the compare function cmp : E x E $ \longrightarrow$ int, with

$cmp(a,b)\ \ \cases{< 0, &if $a < b$\cr
= 0, &if $a = b$\cr
> 0, &if $a > b$\cr}$

More precisely, if (in1,..., inn) and (out1,..., outn) denote the values of L before and after the call of sort, then cmp(L[outj], L[outj + 1]) < = 0 for 1 < = j < n and there is a permutation $ \pi$ of [1..n] such that outi = in$\scriptstyle \pi_{i}$ for 1 < = i < = n .

void L.sort() sorts the items of L using the default ordering of type E, i.e., the linear order defined by function int compare (const E&, const E&).

void L.merge_sort(int (*cmp)(E, E ))
    sorts the items of L using merge sort and the ordering defined by cmp. The sort is stable, i.e., if x = y and < x > is before < y > in L then < x > is before < y > after the sort. L.merge_sort() is more efficient than L.sort() if L contains large pre-sorted intervals.

void L.merge_sort() as above, but uses the default ordering of type E.

void L.bucket_sort(int i, int j, int (*f)(E ))
    sorts the items of L using bucket sort, where f : E $ \longrightarrow$ int with f (x) $ \in$ [i..j] for all elements x of L. The sort is stable, i.e., if f (x) = f (y) and < x > is before < y > in L then < x > is before < y > after the sort.

void L.bucket_sort(int (*f)(E ))
    same as bucket_sort(i,j,f) where i and j are the minimal and maximal value of f(e) as e ranges over all elements of L.

void L.merge(list<E>& L1, int (*cmp)(E, E ))
    merges the items of L and L1 using the ordering defined by cmp. The result is assigned to L and L1 is made empty.
Precondition L and L1 are sorted incresingly according to the linear order defined by cmp.

void L.merge(list<E>& L1) merges the items of L and L1 using the default linear order of type E.

void L.unique(int (*cmp)(E, E ))
    removes duplicates from L.
Precondition L is sorted incresingly according to the ordering defined by cmp.

void L.unique() removes duplicates from L.
Precondition L is sorted incresingly according to the default ordering of type E.

list_item x) returns the first item of L that contains x, nil if x is not an element of L.
Precondition compare has to be defined for type E.

list_item L.min(int (*cmp)(E, E )) returns the item with the minimal contents with respect to the linear order defined by compare function cmp.

list_item L.min() returns the item with the minimal contents with respect to the default linear order of type E.

list_item L.max(int (*cmp)(E, E )) returns the item with the maximal contents with respect to the linear order defined by compare function cmp.

list_item L.max() returns the item with the maximal contents with respect to the default linear order of type E.

Input and Output

void I, char delim = (char)EOF)
    reads a sequence of objects of type E terminated by the delimiter delim from the input stream I using operator>>(istream&,E&). L is made a list of appropriate length and the sequence is stored in L.

void delim = ' \n') calls, delim) to read L from the standard input stream cin.

void s, char delim = ' \n')
    As above, but uses string s as a prompt.

void L.print(ostream& O, char space = ' ')
    prints the contents of list L to the output tream O using operator<<(ostream&,const E&) to print each element. The elements are separated by character space.

void L.print(char space = ' ') calls L.print(cout, space) to print L on the standard output stream cout.

void L.print(string s, char space = ' ')
    As above, but uses string s as a header.


list<E>& L = L1 The assignment operator makes L a copy of list L1. More precisely if L1 is the sequence of items x1, x2,..., xn then L is made a sequence of items y1, y2,..., yn with L[yi] = L1[xi] for 1 < = i < = n.

E& L[list_item it] returns a reference to the contents of it.

list_item L[int i] an abbreviation for L.get_item(i).

list_item L += E x same as L.append(x); returns the new item.

ostream& ostream& out << L same as L.print(out); returns out.

istream& istream& in >> list<E>& L same as; returns in.


forall_items(it, L) { ``the items of L are successively assigned to it'' }

forall(x, L) { ``the elements of L are successively assigned to x'' }

STL compatible iterators are provided when compiled with -DLEDA_STL_ITERATORS (see LEDAROOT/demo/stl/list.c for an example).


The data type list is realized by doubly linked linear lists. All operations take constant time except for the following operations: search and rank take linear time O(n), item(i) takes time O(i), bucket_sort takes time O(n + j - i) and sort takes time O(n*c*log n) where c is the time complexity of the compare function. n is always the current length of the list.

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