A Signal-Processing Framework for Reflection
Ravi Ramamoorthi
and Pat Hanrahan
Submitted to the ACM Transactions on Graphics, August 2002
We present a signal-processing framework for
analyzing the reflected light field from a homogeneous convex curved
surface under distant illumination. This analysis is of theoretical
interest in both graphics and vision and is also of practical
importance in many computer graphics problems---for instance, in
determining lighting distributions and bidirectional reflectance
distribution functions (BRDFs), in rendering with environment maps,
and in image-based rendering. It is well known that under our
assumptions, the reflection operator behaves qualitatively like a
convolution. In this first part of the paper, we formalize these
notions, showing that the reflected light field can be thought of in a
precise quantitative way as obtained by convolving the lighting and
BRDF, i.e. by filtering the incident illumination using the BRDF.
Mathematically, we are able to express the frequency-space
coefficients of the reflected light field as a product of the
spherical harmonic coefficients of the illumination and the BRDF.
These results are of practical importance in determining the
well-posedness and conditioning of problems in inverse
rendering---estimation of BRDF and lighting parameters from real
photographs. Our mathematical analysis also has implications for
forward rendering---especially the efficient rendering of objects
under complex lighting conditions specified by environment maps.
Part 1: Reflection as Convolution PDF or gzipped PS
Part 2: Analytic Formulae for Common Lighting and BRDF Models PDF or gzipped PS
Ravi Ramamoorthi
Last modified: Sat Aug 10 23:55:58 PDT 2002