Spatial Schemas in Depictions [txt]
Barbara Tversky,
Spatial Schemas and Abstract Thought, 2001.
Rendering Effective Route Maps: Improving Usability Through Generalization [web] Maneesh Agrawala and
Chris Stolte,
SIGGRAPH 2001, August 2001.
Some Ways That Maps and Diagrams Communicate [pdf]
Barbara Tversky, Spatial cognition II: Integrating abstract theories, empirical studies, formal methods, and practical applications., Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 2000.
Lines, Blobs, Crosses, and Arrows: Diagrammatic Communication with Schematic Figures [doc]
Barbara Tversky, Jeff Zacks, Paul Lee and Julie Heiser, Diagrams 2000, 2000.
A Design and Implementation for Effective Computer-Generated Route Maps [web] Maneesh Agrawala and
Chris Stolte AAAI Symposium on Smart Graphics, March 2000.
Pictorial and Verbal Tools for Conveying Routes [doc]
Barbara Tversky and Paul Lee, COSIT 1999, 1999.
Why do Speakers Mix Perspectives? [doc]
Barbara Tversky, Paul Lee and Scott Mainwaring, Journal of Spatial Cognition and Computation, 1, 1999.
How Space Structures Language [doc]
Barbara Tversky and Paul Lee, Spatial Cognition: An interdisciplinary approach to representation and processing of spatial knowlege, Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 1998.