Meshless Shape and Motion Design for Multiple Deformable Objects
Bart Adams, Martin Wicke, Maks Ovsjanikov, Michael Wand, Hans-Peter Seidel, Leonidas Guibas
Computer Graphics Forum, to appear |
Modular Bases for Fluid Dynamics
Martin Wicke, Matt Stanton, Adrien Treuille
Transactions on Graphics 28(3) [Proceedings SIGGRAPH], 2009 |
Shape Decomposition Using Modal Analysis
Qixing Huang, Martin Wicke, Bart Adams, Leonidas Guibas
Computer Graphics Forum 28(2) [Proceedings Eurographics], 2009 |
Non-Rigid Registration Under Isometric
Qixing Huang, Bart Adams, Martin Wicke, Leonidas Guibas
Computer Graphics Forum 27(5) [Proceedings SGP], 2008 |
Finite Elements Using Harmonic Basis Functions
Sebastian Martin, Peter Kaufmann, Mario Botsch, Martin
Wicke, Markus Gross
Computer Graphics Forum 27(5) [Proceedings SGP], 2008
Best Paper First-Authored by a Student |
A Finite Element Method on Convex Polyhedra
Martin Wicke, Mario Botsch, Markus Gross
Computer Graphics Forum 26(3) [Proceedings Eurographics], 2007 |
Adaptive Space Deformations Based on Rigid
Mario Botsch, Mark Pauly, Martin Wicke, Markus Gross
Computer Graphics Forum 26(3) [Proceedings Eurographics], 2007 |
Efficient Animation of Point-Sampled Thin
Martin Wicke, Denis Steinemann, Markus Gross
Computer Graphics Forum 24(3) [Proceedings Eurographics], 2005 |
Conference and Workshop Papers |

Predictive QoS Routing to Mobile Sinks in Wireless Sensor Networks
Branislav Kusy, HyungJune Lee, Martin Wicke, Nikola Milosavljevic, Leonidas Guibas
Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN) 2009 |
Localization of Mobile Users Using Trajectory Matching
HyungJune Lee, Martin Wicke, Branislav Kusy, Leonidas Guibas
Mobile Entity Localization and Tracking (MELT) 2008
Best Paper |
Untangling Cloth with Boundaries
Martin Wicke, Hermes Lanker, Markus Gross
Vision, Modeling and Visualization 2006 |
Adaptive Simulation of Electrical Discharges
Bernd Bickel, Martin Wicke, Markus Gross
Vision, Modeling and Visualization 2006 |
Versatile Virtual Materials Using Implicit
Martin Wicke, Philipp Hatt, Mark Pauly, Matthias Müller, Markus Gross
Eurographics Symposium on Point-Based Graphics 2006 |
Conversion of Point-Sampled Models to Textured
Martin Wicke, Sandro Olibet, Markus Gross
Eurographics Symposium on Point-Based Graphics 2005 |
CSG Tree Rendering of Point-Sampled Objects
Martin Wicke, Matthias Teschner, Markus Gross
Pacific Graphics 2004 |
Interactive 3D Painting on Point-Sampled
Bart Adams, Martin Wicke, Phil Dutré, Markus Gross, Mark Pauly,
Matthias Teschner
Eurographics Symposium on Point-Based Graphics 2004 |
Courses and Book Chapters |
Meshless Approximation Methods and Applications in Physics Based Modeling and Animation
Bart Adams, Martin Wicke
Eurographics 2009 Tutorial
Fluid Simulation
Martin Wicke, Richard Keiser, Markus Gross
In Point-Based Graphics, Markus Gross, Hanspeter Pfister (editors)
Chapter 7.3
3D Editing and Painting
Matthias Zwicker, Martin Wicke
In Point-Based Graphics, Markus Gross, Hanspeter Pfister (editors)
Chapter 5.2
Thesis |
and Animation with Relaxed Connectivity Requirements
Martin Wicke, PhD Thesis, ETH Zurich #17326 |