- Turning to the Masters: Motion Capturing Cartoons
- Christoph Bregler, Lorie Loeb, Erika Chuang, Hrishi Deshpande
To appear in SIGGRAPH 2002, (web-page)
- Motion Capture assisted Animation: Texturing and Synthesis
- Kathy Pullen, Christoph Bregler
To appear in SIGGRAPH 2002, (PDF)
- Space-Time Tracking
- Lorenzo Torresani, Christoph Bregler
To appear in Proc. ECCV 2002, (ps.gz)
- Tracking and Modeling Non-Rigid Objects with Rank Constraints
- Lorenzo Torresani, Danny Yang, Gene Alexander, Christoph Bregler
Proc. IEEE CVPR 2001, (ps.gz)
- Twist based Acquisition and Tracking of Animal and Human Kinematics
- Christoph Bregler, Jitendra Malik, Kathy Pullen
To Appear Int.
Journal on Computer Vision
- Synthesis of Cyclic Motions with Texture
- Kathy Pullen and Christoph Bregler
Submitted to
ACM Transactions on Graphics
- Stealing from the Masters: Motion Capturing Cartoons
- Christoph Bregler and Lorie Loeb
Tech. Report
- Nonrigid Modeling of Body Segments for Improved Bone Motion
- Eugene J. Alexander, Christoph Bregler, Tom P. Andriacchi
Computer Modeling in Engineering and Science, Special Issue on Biomechanics,
- Limb Segment Pose from Range Data Streams Through Homogenous
- Eugene J. Alexander, Christoph Bregler, Tom P. Andriacchi
BED-Vol.50, Bioengineering Conference ASME 2001
- Accessible
Animation and Customizable Graphics via Simplicial Configuration
- Tom Ngo, Jenny Dana, Doug Cutrell, Bruce Donald, Lorie
Loeb, and Shunhui Zhu Computer Graphics (SIGGRAPH 2000
Proceedings) (pdf)
- Glottal
characteristics of male speakers: Acoustic correlates and comparison
with female data
- H. Hanson and E. Chuang, JASA, 1999 pd
- Animating by Multi-level Sampling
- Katherine Pullen and Christoph Bregler
Proc. IEEE Computer Animation 2000 , (pdf,
- Recovering Non-Rigid 3D Shape from Image Streams
- Christoph Bregler, Aaron Hertzmann and Henning Biermann
Proc. IEEE CVPR 2000 , (pdf,
- US Patent 5,880,788: Automated synchronization of video image
sequences to new soundtracks
- Christoph Bregler
Issued March-9, 1999, (patent-server)
- Tracking People with Twists and Exponential Maps
- Christoph Bregler and Jitendra Malik
Proc. IEEE CVPR 1998, (ps.gz),
Extended version to appear in Int. Journal of Computer Vision
- Video Rewrite: Driving Visual Speech with Audio
- Christoph Bregler, Michele Covell, and Malcolm Slaney
Proc. ACM SIGGRAPH 97, in Computer Graphics Proceedings, Annual
Conference Series, (1997) (pdf,ps.gz)
- Learning and Recognizing Human Dynamics in Video Sequences
- Christoph Bregler
IEEE Conf. on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (1997) (ps.gz)
- Learning Appearance Based Models: Mixtures of Second Moment
- Christoph Bregler, Jitendra Malik
Advances in Neural Information Precessing Systems 9. (1996) (ps.gz)
- Eigen-Points
- Michele Covell, Christoph Bregler
Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Image Processing, 1996.
- Finding Naked People
- Margaret M. Fleck, David A. Forsyth, Christoph Bregler
Proc. 4'th European Conf. Computer Vision, Cambridge, UK, 1996. (ps)
- Nonlinear Manifold Learning for Visual Speech Recognition
- Christoph Bregler, Stephen M. Omohundro
Int. Conf. Computer Vision, M.I.T. 1995
- Nonlinear Image Interpolation using Manifold Learning
- Christoph Bregler, Stephen M. Omohundro
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 7, MIT Press, 1995.
- "Eigenlips" for Robust Speech Recognition
- Christoph Bregler, Yochai Konig
Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing,
Adelaide, Australia, 1994. (ps)
- Surface Learning with Applications to Lipreading
- Christoph Bregler, Stephen M. Omohundro
in Cowan, J.D., Tesauro, G., and Alspector, J. (eds.), Advances in Neural
Information Precessing Systems 6. San Francisco, CA: Morgan Kaufmann
Publishers, 1994. (ps)
- Improving Connected Letter Recognition by Lipreading
- Christoph Bregler, Herman Hild, Stefan Manke, Alex Waibel
in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing,
Minneapolis, 1993. (ps)
- Bimodal Sensor Integration on the Example of "Speachreading"
- Christoph Bregler, Stefan Manke, Herman Hild, Alex Waibel
Proc. of IEEE Int. Conf. on Neural Networks, San Francisco, 1993

Invited Book Chapters / Papers:
- Probabilistic Models of Verbal and Body Gestures
- C.Bregler, S.Omohundro, M.Covell, M.Slaney, S.Ahmad, D.A.Forsyth,
as chapter in Computer Vision in Man-Machine Interfaces (R. Cipolla
and A.Pentland eds), Cambridge University Press, 1998. (DRAFT)
Order Information by
Cambridge University Press
- Video Rewrite
- C.Bregler, M.Covell, M.Slaney
Machines that Learn, Snowbird, Utah, 1998
Imagina, Monaco, 1998
- Learning Visual Motion Models for Lip Reading
- Christoph Bregler, Stephen M. Omohundro
to appear as chapter in Motion-Based Recognition, (M. Sha and R. Jain
eds), Kluwer Academic Press, 1996.
Order Information by
Kluwer Academic Publishers
- Finding Objects in Image Databases by Grouping
- J. Malik, D. Forsyth, M. Fleck, H. Greenspan, T. Leung, C. Carson, S.
Belongie, and C. Bregler
Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Image Processing (ICIP-96), special session on
``Images in Digital Libraries''
- A Hybrid Approach to Bimodal Speech Recognition
- C.Bregler, S.Omohundro, Y.Konig
in Proc. of 28th Annual Asilomar Conf. on Signals, Systems, and
Computers, Pacific Grove, CA 1994