Volume rendering

Volume rendering is a technique for directly displaying a sampled 3D scalar field without first fitting geometric primitives to the samples. We are working on developing efficient and accurate algorithms for displaying this sort of data. Our goal is photorealistic real-time volume rendering of usefully large scientific, engineering, and medical datasets on affordable noncustom hardware. We are also working on techniques for visualizing vector fields, for segmenting and displaying medical volumes, and for morphing volumes.

People working on this project:

On leave:

Recent papers in this area:

Real-Time Volume Rendering on Shared Memory Multiprocessors Using the Shear-Warp Factorization
Philippe Lacroute
Proc. 1995 Parallel Rendering Symposium
Feature-Based Volume Metamorphosis
Apostolos Lerios, Chase D. Garfinkle, and Marc Levoy
Proc. SIGGRAPH '95
Fast Volume Rendering Using a Shear-Warp Factorization of the Viewing Transformation
Philippe Lacroute and Marc Levoy
Proc. SIGGRAPH '94
Frequency Domain Volume Rendering
Takashi Totsuka and Marc Levoy
Proc. SIGGRAPH '93

Available software:


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A list of technical papers, with abstracts and pointers to additional information, is also available. Or you can return to the research projects page or our home page.

Last modified: Fri Jun 16 14:05:47 1995