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Assignment 6 - Image Matting and Composition

Due Date: Thursday March 1st, 11:59PM

Questions? Check out the Assignment 6 FAQ and discussion page.

In this assignment you will write code to separate a foreground object from a constant color background in an image and then place this foreground object in another scene of your choosing. In computer graphics terminology, you will extract (or lift) a matte from an image to isolate a foreground object, and then composite the foreground object with a new background using the matte. With such technology you can whisk your beloved TA off to far away lands and exotic beaches where he no longer has to grade homework assignments.

greenscreen imagematte newyork france

Download and build the starter code

1. Begin by downloading the Assigment 6 starter code and latest version of the libST source here. Libst has not changed in this assignment, but we are bundling it with the assignment zip file just like in all the previous assignments.

2. Build the code. In this project, you will be modifying assignment6/matting.cpp. In the assignment6/ subdirectory we have placed a couple of image files. sampleXX.jpg are sample images of foreground objects in front of a green screen that your code can be tested against. backgroundXX.jpg are backgrounds that you can test compositing your foreground object against.
