The following 542 words could not be found in the dictionary of 615 words (including 615 LocalSpellingWords) and are highlighted below:

1d   1x1   2d   8th   about   above   abs   actually   add   Additional   adjust   adjustment   affect   affected   against   all   allocated   almost   already   alternating   always   amenable   an   analysis   and   Another   another   Answered   Answers   application   apply   approximation   around   array   arrays   Assgn7   assign7   assignment   Assignment   assignment7   Assignment7   assignments   at   At   average   averages   back   backwards   basic   basis   be   Because   because   before   Begin   behave   behaves   best   between   bits   borders   both   break   breaks   build   Build   bundling   but   by   calculate   calculated   calculating   called   can   Can   careful   carefully   case   caused   centered   changed   changes   char   Check   check   choice   chose   class   close   coder   coding   Coding   coefficients   col   Color   column   columns   compare   complete   compress   compressed   Compression   compression   compute   consider   console   constructed   continue   control   controlled   controls   convert   couple   courses   credit   cs148   Date   Daubechies   deadline   debugging   decide   decomposition   decrement   default   defined   depend   described   dest   detail   details   devote   did   differences   differently   dimensions   discussed   discussion   Discussion   displays   dividing   don   down   Download   downloading   dropped   Due   during   each   Each   easiest   easily   easy   edu   effect   efficiently   else   encoded   entire   entropy   equivalent   errors   even   exact   exactly   example   expect   expressed   extra   fact   factor   fewer   file   files   fill   filter   filters   finally   find   Firstname   floating   following   For   for   forcing   form   formulas   Forward   forward   frequencies   frequency   from   function   functions   generates   get   gets   getting   give   given   Given   gives   global   goes   going   good   Grading   graphics   graphs   gray   guaranteed   haar   Haar   half   handin   Handin   handle   handled   hard   having   help   helper   high   higher   highest   hints   however   However   If   if   image   images   img   implement   implemented   in   In   increase   increases   increment   initial   input   inputs   instead   Instead   Instructions   int   into   intuitive   inverse   Inverse   isn   items   its   just   justify   key   kind   larger   last   Lastname   latest   lecture   left   length   less   level   levels   lib   Libst   like   line   linearly   lists   ll   log   look   looks   loop   losslessly   lossy   low   lower   lowest   made   main   make   manner   March   means   method   modified   modifying   more   most   much   multi   multiple   necessarily   necessary   need   needs   negative   new   no   non   note   Note   Notice   of   often   on   Once   One   one   only   or   order   original   Other   other   our   out   output   outputs   outputting   over   page   pair   parameter   particular   parts   pass   perform   performed   performs   Pixel   pixel   Pixels   placed   places   Please   png   point   points   positive   possible   power   powers   previous   printed   probable   probably   Problem   process   produces   project   provided   pseudo   qfactor   quality   Quantization   quantization   quantize   quantized   Quantized   quantizing   questions   Questions   range   re   read   really   reconstructed   Reconstructed   reducing   relatively   remains   Remember   repeated   replacing   represent   require   resolution   result   resulting   results   reverse   Reverse   reversed   Review   right   row   rows   S148   same   sample   scaling   scheme   schemes   second   see   self   sense   series   setting   shade   should   signal   signals   similar   simple   simplest   simplify   simply   since   Since   single   size   smaller   smooth   smoothed   so   some   something   sometimes   Source   source   special   specified   specifies   src   staff   standard   stanford   starter   starting   step   steps   still   storage   store   stored   straightforward   structure   subband   subbands   subdirectory   subimage   subject   Submission   subsampled   substitution   symbols   take   takes   taking   temporary   term   terms   test   that   The   the   them   then   There   These   these   they   They   Think   this   This   those   thresholding   Thursday   time   tips   tmp   to   To   tool   top   total   Transform   transform   Transformation   transformations   Transformed   transformed   transforms   trouble   try   turn   two   types   unsigned   until   use   user   Using   using   valid   value   values   various   ve   verified   verify   version   very   visible   visually   want   wavelet   Wavelet   wavelets   way   We   we   well   were   what   What   when   where   which   Why   why   will   win0607   with   without   work   works   would   write   You   you   Your   your   zip  


Assignment 7 - Wavelet Image Compression

Due Date: Thursday March 8th, 11:59PM

Questions? Check out the Assignment 7 FAQ and discussion page.

In this assignment you will write code to perform a simple Haar wavelet transform in order to compress an image.





Transformed & Quantized


The Problem

Given an input image we want to transform it to make it more amenable to compression. There are 3 key steps to this process:

  • Transformation - transform the data
  • Quantization - the main lossy step, quantize the data which is an approximation of the original data
  • Coding - store the data efficiently

For this assignment we're going to use a simple wavelet transform to make the data more amenable to compression.

Since the quantization step is the main lossy step, we're going to add a user controlled parameter to control the quantization, which, in turn, controls the quality and compressed data size.

For this assignment we're not actually going to perform the coding. Instead, we'll calculate the entropy of the input and the quantized data, which is a close approximation to the encoded data size.

Download and build the starter code

1. Begin by downloading the Assignment 7 starter code and latest version of the libST source here. Libst has not changed in this assignment, but we are bundling it in with the assignment zip file just like in all the previous assignments.

2. Build the code. In this project, you will be modifying assignment7/wavelet.cpp. In the assignment7/ subdirectory we have placed a couple of sample image files. These files are losslessly compressed. You may use other files as well, but if they were compressed with a lossy scheme already, the results may not be what you would expect.

Review of the Haar Wavelet Transform

As discussed in lecture, wavelets are a tool for multi-resolution analysis. The Haar wavelet transform is the simplest wavelet and and straightforward to implement.

Each step of the wavelet transform takes an input signal of length n and generates a smoothed (lower resolution) version of length n/2 and a high frequency detail signal of length n/2. We can then continue to apply the same transform to the half size lower resolution signal to get an even lower resolution image and lower frequency details.

The Haar transform in particular is simple because it generates these smoothed and detail signals in a simple manner. Given an input signal, each pair of terms input[2*i] and input[2*i+1] form a single smoothed value smooth[i] and a single detail value detail[i], where i is the range [0,length/2).

Given the input values A and B, the smoothed and detail values we output are:

S = (A + B) / 2
D = (A - B) / 2

This works well because it always produces average values that are in the range [0,1], so they still represent a valid, subsampled image. The differences are always in the range [-.5,.5] (consider the possible values of A and B to see why this is the case). To simplify quantization, we can just add .5 to all the detail values to make all values be in the range [0,1]:

S = (A + B) / 2
D = (A - B) / 2 + .5

The inverse transform, given S and D values, is given by

A = S + (D - .5)
B = S - (D - .5)

You can easily verify this by substitution.

The 2D version of the wavelet transform can be expressed as a series of 1D transforms on the rows and columns of the image. We'll use the non-standard decomposition, which is expressed, as pseudo-code, by the following:

for wavelet level = log_2(image_size) to 1 {
  for each row i {

  for each column j {

The inverse 2D transform is similar, but works backwards from the lowest to highest level and performs inverse wavelet transform steps.

The Code

The code breaks the wavelet transform into simple, easy to implement parts. You'll need to implement both the forward and inverse wavelet transformations and the quantization and reverse quantization steps. Note that these transforms are only defined for images with power of 2 dimensions.

There are only 3 displays for this assignment: the original image, the quantized image, and the reconstructed image. The entropy of the input and transformed, quantized image will be printed to the console when you adjust the compression quality parameter.

Forward Transform: 1D

Because you can perform a 2D wavelet transform as a series of 1D transform steps we first want to implement a 1D wavelet transform step.

You need to implement the function

void forward_haar_1d(STColor* input, STColor* output, int length)

It should do one step of the forward transform specified above. It should compute the averages and differences and store them (averages in the first half, differences in the second) in the output array. The last parameter specifies the length of the transform, so you should get a total of length/2 averages and length/2 differences.

Forward Transform: 2D

The forward Haar transform for an image is performed by the function

void forward_haar_2d(STHDRImage& src, STHDRImage& dest, int transform_steps)

It should be performed using the non-standard decomposition - perform transform steps alternating between rows and columns, reducing the size of the transform by half each time until you are left with only a 1x1 subimage.

We've implemented these functions

void read_input_row(STHDRImage& src_img, int row, int length, STColor* tmp_input);
void read_input_col(STHDRImage& src_img, int col, int length, STColor* tmp_input);
void write_output_row(STHDRImage& dest_img, int row, int length, STColor* tmp_output);
void write_output_col(STHDRImage& dest_img, int col, int length, STColor* tmp_output);

to help you. They copy data to and from images and temporary arrays. Using these functions and the 1D transform function it should be relatively simple to break down the 2D Haar transform. There are global STColor* tmp_input and STColor* tmp_output arrays which are allocated for you that you can pass to these functions and the 1D transform function.


Given an STColor that we calculated in the previous steps we need to quantize it to store it efficiently. Because of the way we constructed the wavelet transform, all the detail terms are in the range [0,1]. Because we've guaranteed our wavelet transformed data is all in the range [0,1] the easiest way to quantize is to simply convert back to an STPixel. STPixels use unsigned chars for storage, so we are quantizing to 8 bits. However, we want some control over the quality. As discussed in class, we can devote fewer bits to higher subbands (higher frequencies) by dividing those terms by larger values so that they take on a smaller range of values. One example of a quantization factor you can use is:

output_i = p_i / (level^(qfactor^3))

where output_i is the output STColor, p_i is the input STColor, level is the level or subband of the wavelet term, and qfactor is a user defined value which controls the quality. Notice that when qfactor = 0 this new factor is always 1 and has no effect. level is 0 for the scaling function (the one average term that remains when the transform is complete) and increases with higher frequency details. Note that you often have to special case the scaling function because its defined to be at level 0, which breaks some formulas (like the one above).

You need to fill in the

void quantize(STHDRImage& src, STImage& dest)

function to convert the input floating point image src}} into the quantized {{{dest image. We've provided a helper function

int get_wavelet_level(int c, int r)

which, for a given column and row, gives the wavelet subband that pixel is in. These levels increase in value with higher frequency detail coefficients.

Feel free to use any quantization scheme that works, but this is a good starting point. Other schemes may give more intuitive control over quality. This scheme is by no means the best, but is simple and easy to implement. Another example of a simple to implement quantization scheme is thresholding: use the qfactor parameter to control which terms are dropped to .5 (which is equivalent to 0 since we made the adjustment when calculating differences).

if (abs(p_i - .5) < qfactor)
  output_i = .5
  output_i = p_i

This behaves very differently from the other method described above. Also note that you don't necessarily want your function to behave linearly with qfactor, you may want to use powers of qfactor to get more intuitive control of quality. For example, in this thresholding scheme to get more even changes in quality you probably want to compare to qfactor3 or qfactor4. Please change the initial value for qfactor and its increment/decrement size to make sense for the scheme you implement.

At this point you can check the resulting transformed and quantized image against the sample at the top of the page. The exact image you get will depend on your quantization scheme, but it should look something like the one given above: with a high quality factor, details will be visible in the higher subbands, but much of the image will be some shade of gray. As quality goes down, less detail should be visible. If you just want to test the wavelet transform, you can just use ToPixel() without any scaling for the quantization step and you should get a result very similar to the one at the top of this page.

Reverse Quantization

In this step we just reverse the quantization step we did above. We can simply convert back to an STColor and do the inverse of the previous function, so the two functions should look very similar.

Inverse Transform: 1D

This is similar to the forward 1D transform but you are taking as input the averages and differences and outputting the reconstructed values.

Inverse Transform: 2D

This is similar to the forward 2D transform, but reversed.

At this point, with the default quantization setting, you should get almost exactly the original image back.

Additional hints and tips

  • The forward and inverse functions are so similar that you may want to copy the code from the forward to the inverse and then make the necessary changes.
  • Because we have positive and negative values the quantized values will be centered around 128. This will make your quantized image be gray in most places. Note, however, that this doesn't affect compression since an entropy coder isn't affected by which symbols are most probable.
  • Remember that the scaling function (i.e. the average of the entire image, which gets stored at (0,0)) needs to be handled differently during quantization.
  • Note the data types of the inputs and outputs of the various steps and be careful about the range of values you output.
  • It can sometimes be hard to find errors in your code because of the repeated application of the functions. If you are having trouble debugging your code, try forcing your loop to perform only one step of the 2D transform. Once the quantized image looks right after one step, work on getting multiple steps to work.

Submission Instructions

We would like the following items to be placed in a zip file called as handin for this assignment.

  • Your modified copy of wavelet.cpp

  • Answers to the following questions:
    1. What kind of errors are caused by this lossy compression?
    2. Are the low frequency detail basis images really low frequency? (Think about the graphs of the basis functions.)

    3. Why is the Haar basis not the best choice for image compression?
    4. What quantization method did you finally decide to use? Can you justify using the one you chose instead of another?

Please email this zip file to before the deadline. Please make the subject line of this email "CS148 Assignment 7 Handin".


  • 1 point: Answered questions
  • 2 points: Answered questions + forward transform (with simplest quantization so it can be verified visually)
  • 3 points: Answered questions + forward transform + quantization
  • 4 points: Answered questions + forward transform + quantization + inverse transform

We'll give 1 point of extra credit if you implement a higher order wavelet filter, for example Daubechies 4. The basic structure is the same. In fact, replacing the forward and inverse 1D transform functions is all you need to do, but larger filters require you to handle borders carefully.
