The following 80 words could not be found in the dictionary of 615 words (including 615 LocalSpellingWords) and are highlighted below:

adjustable   along   an   and   area   at   axis   back   buffering   by   callback   callbacks   calling   can   choose   color   Control   decrease   default   Display   double   draws   during   eg   events   filled   from   Func   function   functions   gl   glut   graph   in   increase   indexed   initialization   instead   levels   mode   of   on   Open   Ortho   outline   passed   pi   press   program   programmer   quit   range   registering   rendering   resolution   samples   sampling   select   set   Sets   sets   sin   single   specific   Submitted   takes   The   the   This   to   To   up   user   using   varying   version   view   Viewport   volume   window  


1. Control is passed back by calling callback functions set up by the programmer on specific events. This is set up by registering the callbacks to events during initialization (eg, glutDisplayFunc).

2. Sets RGBA color instead of indexed color and sets double-buffering instead of single.

3. glOrtho sets the view volume to range from (0,0,-1) to (1,1,1). glViewport sets the OpenGL rendering area in the window to range from (0,0) to (w,h).

Submitted code

The program draws a graph of sin(x) from -pi to pi at varying levels of resolution. The default takes 41 samples along the x-axis and draws the function using GL_LINE_STRIP. The sampling resolution is user-adjustable; also, the user can choose a filled version of the graph, instead of an outline.

  • To increase sampling resolution press '+'
  • To decrease sampling resolution press '-'
  • To select filled mode (using GL_TRIANGLE_FAN), press 'f'
  • To quit, press ESC