The following 116 words could not be found in the dictionary of 615 words (including 615 LocalSpellingWords) and are highlighted below:

absolute   accumulation   and   Art   aspect   Assignment   associate   at   back   be   buffering   buffers   by   callback   called   calls   certain   clicks   color   containing   Control   coordinate   corner   corresponding   created   Darwin   defined   depth   different   display   double   drawn   During   each   event   events   exists   for   function   functions   Generative   glut   If   in   index   initialization   into   keep   left   library   Lo   lower   mask   might   mode   mouse   occurs   of   on   or   origin   overlay   particular   passed   passing   place   pointer   preserve   primitives   programmer   ratio   relevant   resized   right   said   should   shrink   single   size   solely   Specifically   specifies   stencil   stretch   such   system   take   that   The   the   them   they   this   through   to   Together   top   track   upper   uses   viewport   want   we   were   When   when   whenever   whether   which   will   window   Window   windows   Winter   with   write  


Darwin Lo

CS 148 - Winter 2007

Assignment 1 - "Generative Art"

1. Control is passed back to the programmer through callback functions. When certain events take place, such as mouse clicks, GLUT calls a relevant callback function, which is defined by the programmer.

The programmer may write different callback functions for different events. During initialization, the programmer may associate a function with a particular event by passing in a function pointer to that function into a GLUT library function corresponding to this particular event that exists solely to keep track of which function should be called whenever said event occurs.

2. It specifies the display mode ofwindows that are created when glutCreateWindow() is called.” Specifically, it is a mask that specifies whether each window uses single or double buffering, RGBA or color index mode, and whether each window uses the depth, stencil, or accumulation buffers.

3. Together, they overlay a coordinate system on top of the viewport window. The origin of this coordinate system is at the lower left corner of the viewport window. The upper right corner of the viewport window is the coordinate (1,1).

If the window were to be resized, we might want to change this to preserve the aspect ratio or absolute size of primitives that are drawn. As is, primitives will stretch or shrink as the window containing them is resized.
