The following 273 words could not be found in the dictionary of 615 words (including 615 LocalSpellingWords) and are highlighted below:

able   accessible   Actions   Add   add   Additional   Advanced   all   already   Alternatively   always   an   and   app   Apple   appropriate   assume   available   be   been   better   bin   box   building   by   can   choose   clicking   Command   command   compile   compiler   computer   Computer   computers   contain   creating   default   Dependencies   dependent   deselect   dev   developer   development   dialog   directories   Directories   distribution   distributions   dll   document   don   done   down   download   Download   drop   during   each   Each   edit   either   environment   Environment   Even   example   Existing   explains   few   file   File   Files   files   Fill   finish   For   for   framework   Frameworks   frameworks   freeglut   From   from   Generally   get   gl   glu   glut   glut32   go   group   header   headers   holding   how   If   if   in   In   Include   include   Input   install   installation   installed   instructions   into   invocation   just   keep   lab   left   lglut   lib   libraries   library   Library   like   likely   Line   line   link   Linker   Linux   list   ll   locate   location   look   Mac   main   major   Make   make   Makefile   makefile   manager   menu   metapackage   might   My   myth   name   nate   Nate   necessary   need   needs   net   New   new   Note   now   Now   of   on   Once   once   one   One   only   Open   option   options   Options   or   other   package   packages   path   Per   performed   permanently   platforms   point   pointing   probably   program   programs   Project   project   projects   Projects   Properties   provided   pull   put   quite   re   respectively   rewrite   right   Robins   same   sample   section   sections   Select   select   set   Setup   setup   sf   should   Show   simple   simply   since   so   So   Solutions   Some   someplace   somewhere   split   Standard   Studio   such   sure   System   system32   tab   that   The   the   their   them   then   There   there   they   This   this   Time   time   to   To   Tool   tools   Tools   tree   two   under   Under   Unzip   up   updated   Use   use   User   using   usr   Utility   variable   Variables   version   Visual   want   we   well   which   will   window   windows   Windows   with   work   would   xmission   You   you   your   zip  



This document explains how to set up GLUT to work with your development environment. There are 3 sections, one for each of the major platforms. Each set of instructions is split into two sections. The first section need only be performed once to setup GLUT on your computer. The other needs to be performed each time you set up a new OpenGL project.

Note that if you're using the myth lab computers then glut has already been setup and you only need to add the appropriate compiler options.


Here we assume you are using Visual C++.

One Time Setup

  1. Download the windows GLUT distribution from . Make sure you download the bin zip file. (Alternatively download and compile freeglut from . Nate Robins' GLUT has not been updated since 1998 so freeglut may be a better option.)

  2. Unzip glut.h and glut.lib somewhere to keep them permanently (i.e. not in your project directory). Unzip glut32.dll somewhere in your path so it will be accessible by all GLUT programs (C:\Windows\system32 will work, or put it someplace and add that directory to your path by right clicking My Computer, clicking Properties, click the Advanced tab, click the Environment Variables, and either edit or add the PATH variable under the User Variables section to contain the location of the file).
  3. In Visual Studio, go to Tools -> Options...

  4. In the Options window on the left select "Projects and Solutions" -> "VC++ Directories".

  5. From the "Show directories for:" drop-down box, select "Include files".
  6. Add a new directory to the list and point it to the directory holding glut.h.
  7. Do the same for "Library Files", pointing it to the directory holding glut32.lib.

Now glut.h and glut32.lib will always be accessible for your projects.

Per Project Setup

  1. To add the library to the list of libraries to link to, go to Project -> Properties...

  2. Select Linker -> Input in the tree on the left.

  3. Add glut32.lib to "Additional Dependencies".

You should now be able to compile a GLUT program. The GLUT header will just be glut.h (i.e. #include <glut.h>). The GL headers will be GL/gl.h and GL/glu.h.


One Time Setup
You just need the developer tools provided by Apple installed. You can get them installed using the XCode install. If you don't want to use XCode you should be able to deselect it during installation.

Per Project Setup - XCode

  1. Open XCode
  2. Create a new project (File -> New Project)

  3. Under the group "Command Line Utility", choose "Standard Tool" for a C program or "C++ Tool" for a C++ program. Fill in the project name and finish creating the project.
  4. Click on the "Actions" pull down menu and select "Existing Frameworks"
  5. In the dialog you'll be in /System/Library. Select /System/Library/Frameworks/GLUT.framework and add it.

The headers for GL, GLU, and GLUT are OpenGL/gl.h, OpenGL/glu.h, and GLUT/glut.h respectively.

Per Project Setup - Makefile
If you're building your project using a makefile, you'll just need to add the frameworks (OpenGL and GLUT) to the compiler invocation. For example, for a simple project your command line might look like this:

g++ -o gl_app -framework GLUT -framework OpenGL main.cpp


One Time Setup
Use your package manager to install the GLUT libraries and their development packages. Some distributions may use an updated version / rewrite of GLUT, such as freeglut. Even so, there will probably be a metapackage for glut and glut-dev. Note that you will likely have to install quite a few dependent packages as well.

Once you have done that, the necessary header files should be available in /usr/include and the appropriate libraries in /usr/lib.

Per Project Setup
The header files will be GL/gl.h, GL/glu.h, and GL/glut.h. Generally they will all be installed in /usr/include which should make them available by default to the compiler. If they are not available you'll have to locate them and add the path to the compiler command line using -I/path/to/header/files.

To link to the glut library simply add -lglut to the compiler command line.

So a sample compiler invocation would be

g++ -o gl_app -lglut main.cpp